you know we only have our great laws to thank for this type of shit. If we actually used the death penality in a timely fashion(like it was intended for) instead of letting all the damn bleeding hearts protest till its 30 years after the fact copy cats and most violence would slow way down.
Think about it, i know i can go out and murder: because,1. even if i get caught I still get a trial to prove first i did it.(even if im caught in the act)
2. if i am convected i still getall the benefits of home(while im in prison, because im human and have rights) 3 meals a day, oppturnity to better my education,visitation rights, blh blah, blah...
Just once if a person was caught in the act, taken out to the center of town, and publicly executed on camera for all to see. I can guarentee that crime would slow down. I find it amazing how people cry for zero tolerance inalmost everything else in life but crime. AN eye for a eye and a swift ending is what i advocate.