
I have all of that stuff. Of course, it's all thirty years old...

Yeah. I used to have that ex-wife got that in the divorce. :shrug: I've been listening to a 'mini-system' since then. A Panasonic, no less. I feel dirty just typing that...
I have all of that stuff. Of course, it's all thirty years old...

Fires suck. :crying7:

I didn't even bother replacing my turntable, because there was no way in Hell I could replace the LP collection. I also eschewed a cassette deck. I opted for a reel to reel instead. Still need a few reels of tape and a take up reel, but it can wait a while longer as I'm still replacing CDs. 250 or so to go. :cuss:
did anyone notice the price on those turntable models...horrendous.

I noticed. 7 grand for the 'top' model...but if it plays like its supposed to, it may be money well spent, as your vintage vinyl will last until it crumbles from age...
i dunnoooo, the laser might create some wear.....???

I'd convert the originals to cd, and put them in a safe.
Then play the CDs. Only bringing out the originals to show off the
covers, quality...
I noticed. 7 grand for the 'top' model...but if it plays like its supposed to, it may be money well spent, as your vintage vinyl will last until it crumbles from age...

$7k? Thats just the deposit to try it for 10 days. Try $14k.

Look at the warranty costs too. And don't forget the periodic overhaul for $500. A niche market for sure!

Cat, these lasers are basically controlled intense light. Thats a major advantage of CDs: A needle does exponentially more damage due to constant physical contact.
$7k? Thats just the deposit to try it for 10 days. Try $14k.

Look at the warranty costs too. And don't forget the periodic overhaul for $500. A niche market for sure!

Cat, these lasers are basically controlled intense light. Thats a major advantage of CDs: A needle does exponentially more damage due to constant physical contact.

Damn. I just saw the red! I can get a Clearaudio for less than half of that, right? (Linear Tracking, BTW) Seems like a bargain. :lol2: