On a personal note


Southern Discomfort
If anyone finds this in poor taste, please forgive. I been here a little over a year now, and I think of some of you guys as friends, so here goes.

As many of you know, I have been battling some fairly serious health problems. I try not to whine too awful much. But it's hit a wall.

I have kept working through all of this ordeal, now stretching out over two plus years. The folks I work with have been fantastic...because a lot of those days I was more or less useless. They covered me so I wouldn't have to use all my paid time off. I've had a ton of support from my parents, my wife, my stepdaughter, my neighbors...a lot of people. I have fought this as hard as I can, for as long as I can. I can't do it anymore.

In some ways my refusal to stop working and such may have hurt my medical care. Doctors look at it and say, "Well, he's still able to work, so it must not be too bad." It is bad. Very bad. Unbearable now.

Then there's the whole Family Medical Leave issue, where your job is saved but you don't get paid. I got a mortgage. I need income.

Where is all this going, you ask?

I am scheduled for a series of tests Friday. Based on those tests, the docs will decide what if anything can be done to help me. It'll be outpatient, meaning that while they take a week to study the tests and all that, I'm still in the same boat waiting. Tonight it has become painfully clear to me that I cannot do that.

Most likely, I am going to request to be admitted to the hospital either tomorrow or tonight if this don't ease up some. I am then going to demand that something be done...NOW!!!! This may mean, if certain things show up from the tests, that I'll be in the hospital for God knows how long. A month is possible. (Guess I'll finally quit smoking, huh?) All I know is, I can no longer function with the pain I have been feeling. Morphine no longer phases it. I eat maybe a meal a week now. Even sips of water cause unearthly pain. I eat a bite here and there to keep me going, and pay the price later with pain. It's been that way for weeks now. It's enough.

So I guess you guys get a break from me for awhile. (Pause for spontaneous cheering)

To those of you who believe in the power of prayer...I'll take all I can get. Just say Mike, the out of control Rebel...He'll know.

For those who prefer to phrase it as "positive thoughts", "good vibes", whatever...send them on too. I'm greedy. It's gonna take a lot to see me through this.

Hopefully, I can manage to keep the house through all this. If not, I hear they've made fantastic advances in cardboard these days.

Just think of me now and again, send me some strength and good wishes, and keep a redneck in your thoughts and prayers. He needs 'em right now. This is the single hardest thing I've ever had to do, and I'm secure enough to admit that I am scared shitless.

Thanks to all of you who have made me feel comfortable enough to say all that.


i dont know why anyone would find that in poor taste.

good luck
*waves hands in general direction of TN* hope the positive vibes make it there.
You will definitely be in my prayers as well as your family. I can only wish you all the best, to stay as strong as you can and try and battle this out with all you've got. Make sure the wife keeps us up to date if she can. I speak for myself in saying I will miss reading your posts and having them put a smile on my face or at times a good chuckle. I can only hope that the doctors of this world can do something for you to ease your pain and perhaps get rid of it once and for all. I do not know the pain you are going through, but I wish I could take some of it away just so that you can have a better quality of life.

You will be in my thoughts as you go through this. Best of luck, and you will definitely be missed here.

i'm sending an :angel2: to sit and watch over you.

Those aren't the words of a man that is ready to throw in the towel, so either way; you'll win for sure!

Times like these I wish I twasn't an atheist, so I'll
fall back on,

"the human will is the most indomitable force in the Cosmos".

Give em' hell Johnny reb!
Good Luck SnP. I hope it's not as bad as you fear. You're pretty stubborn though ;) so I'm going to suppose you'll be okay anyway. Oh, and keep praying. Whether as you believe god is helping you or as I believe you're psyche is helping you through your belief, it clearly helps believers to pray.
Sending all the "positive thoughts" possible ,hope you feel better and get to a point where you can stay well.
For those who prefer to phrase it as "positive thoughts", "good vibes", whatever...send them on too. I'm greedy. It's gonna take a lot to see me through this.
What if they come from a Yankee, is that still ok? :D Sendin 'em down your way bud. Let me know if you need someone to take care of yer crops while you're gone. :)

Seriously, I wish you all the best Mike.
*sending all sorts of well wishes for a speedy recovery your way*

Also, if your family and friends are even half as supportive...emotionally, financially, etc as my family and our friends were when my dad was sick in the hospital unable to work then you'll be A-OK in that sense

I'm very sorry to hear that Mike, sending my best wishes for full recovery, or at the very least, Less Pain.
*sends all her positive thoughts to the redneck
Heck, I'll even let you keep your overalls. ;)

Hope you come back to us soon!

Just think of all the fine BBQ you get to eat to recover the weight when you get on the backside of this thing.
Well, we knew that you weren't 100% healthy, but you're pretty good at hiding how bad it's gotten until now. That kind of strength of character and spirit will help you find the other side of this. Take care of yourself... God helps those who help themselves.

You have some prayers coming your way, buddy! Get well soon!