On tv right now is...


100% Pure Canadian Beef
Mazes & Monsters, the movie that started all the D&D hate.

Watching and Laughing, cause I played D&D and it messed me all up.

"I'm the tool of the Government
and Industry, too
I am destined to rule
and regulate you
I am the slime from your video
slithering across your living room floor". - Frank Zappa
Funny..as Zappa was also known to say "I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy".
I guess he was just into music.
Let me guess... not a big telly fan are we?

I'm guilty of watching from time to time- Turner Classic Movies (no commercial interruptions!), occasional History, Discovery, National Geographic channels, The Weather Channel (local on the 8's!), but keep it switched off most of the time. Rather read a good book or archaeo journal. Didn't turn the idiot box on all weekend. Y'all probably have better programming across the pond. One of my favorite shows back in the 80's was The Young Ones.
Funny..as Zappa was also known to say "I think it is good that books still exist, but they do make me sleepy".
I guess he was just into music.
:buck:LOL! Yeah, he may not have been much of a book:beardbng: reader, but he was one rock n' roller who could actually read (and write) music- as in notes n' stuff.
Dude! I'd better not...I might not surface again. Either that or have fond recollections of childhood dashed when I realize what a bunch of crap the show actually is these days.

But maybe just a peek.