One day job


molṑn labé
Staff member
No way, no how, not ever again. Sanity, safety & health is not worth trading for Teamsters "values". The other company was glad I changed my mind.
So you're not going to be a teamster? Damn, that looked to be so much fun too.
Overseer's (I believe they call them dispatchers) looking thru their plate-glass window down upon the peons, dirty, dingy, dusty environment, mind-numbing work & the trucks have no radio & only one seat, no autonomy... :shudders:
I got off at first thought was, should I call the other guy on his cell, right then, or wait until day light :lol:

For the record, my wife won the bet with my brother in law...she had it at 3 months or less :D
I used to work Shop-Rite (a grocery store in Jersey), in the deli...they were union....the dues weren't very much..I didn't seem to mind it....never worked anywhere else that was union though.
Shop-Rite is union. That explains why they have to be the most expensive grocery I've ever been in...