One for spike


molṑn labé
Staff member
Since polls show our military wants out of Iraq..what do you (and others) think of this poll?

When asked how they feel about President-elect Barack Obama as commander in chief, six out of 10 active-duty service members say they are uncertain or pessimistic, according to a Military Times survey.

Army Times
Since polls show our military wants out of Iraq..what do you (and others) think of this poll?

Army Times


yeah, and a higher percentage is optimistic than pessimistic.

Putting it that way doesn't spin it "correctly" though.

I knew better than to look at this thread. Too bad I don't listen to myself more often, huh?
yep. and neither is the optimism.

the "uncertain" category is the middle of the distribution curve, gonz. of course it's big. and it is not leaning either way.

Given the "leadership" of the last eight years, can you blame them for wanting to wait and see?
yep. and neither is the optimism.

I wonder, what would that number be if it weren't for 80% of black soldiers having an optimistic outlook? That percentage has to sway the numbers considerably.

Given the "leadership" of the last eight years, can you blame them for wanting to wait and see?

Considering that over half of them trust GW, while a third trust Obama, they're hardly lining up in favor.
I wonder, what would that number be if it weren't for 80% of black soldiers having an optimistic outlook? That percentage has to sway the numbers considerably.

What if we removed the whites from the polling? Or the republicans?

six out of 10 active-duty service members say they are uncertain or pessimistic, according to a Military Times survey.

I like how the writer grouped "uncertain or pessimistic". He could have easily said "seven out of 10 active-duty service members say they are uncertain or optimistic".
I thought that was kind of strange, too. He could have also said "Only 3 out of 10 were optimistic". Would have given him the same spin he was looking for. :shrug:
Publishers of the Military Times, the parent organization of the Army Times, even has doubts as to the accuracy of the survey.
In a disclaimer, the editors of the Military Times state:"Although public opinion pollsters use random selection to survey the general public, the Military Times survey is based on responses from those who chose to participate. That means it is impossible to calculate statistical margins of error commonly reported in opinion surveys, because those calculations depend on random sampling techniques.

The voluntary nature of the survey, the dependence on e-mail and the characteristics of Military Times readers could affect the results.

So, what was the point of the post again? To point out that 30,000 (approximate) people were invited to participate in the survey, 5000 (plus or minus) responded and 1900 (plus) of those were used.
Add to that the editors uncertainty of accuracy and it looks like a definite maybe as a conclusion.

yeah, and a higher percentage is optimistic than pessimistic.

And 68% just either don't trust him or don't know what the hell to think about him; but the real question is this:

Do you trust a poll that adds up to 101%?
so glad i read this thread before logging in.

for those of you unfamiliar with how surveys are designed, executed and tabulated...

many polls add up to slightly more than 100% because of rounding of numbers.

and on a more basic level...


Polls are often very useful. This one isn't providing much useful information but it was still somewhat interesting.

We had a great poll a couple months ago where respondents elected a new president.
so glad i read this thread before logging in.

for those of you unfamiliar with how surveys are designed, executed and tabulated...

many polls add up to slightly more than 100% because of rounding of numbers.

and on a more basic level...



From where did you get 38?
Given the "leadership" of the last eight years, can you blame them for wanting to wait and see?

Not to mention that the collective 'we' has voted in the same a-holes that got us into this mess in the first place...