One more day!

Kill it now.

(That's a joke, don't really kill it although I promise that over the next few years you'll regret not doing it plenty of times)
She might want to get an aluminum bat... wood bats lately have been breaking a lot more often lately with a lot more shrapnel than in the past.
She might want to get an aluminum bat... wood bats lately have been breaking a lot more often lately with a lot more shrapnel than in the past.

I've put some dings in aluminum bats before...depends on the Mohs rating of her sons head, I guess...:D
How you've raised the kid up to this point will determine
the course of the teenage years

August 17th my teenager turns 20

and I'm so proud of that boi

as a gurl you might need counseling on a phenomenon
I labeled “testosterone poisoning” having experienced it
I could explain it to my Son and the Wife.

Just think “the urge to wreck some one’s face and destroy things”

Kinda like PMS that goes on for years.
Two words for ya, Mare:



:beardbng: Yeah Yeah thats it...........

No, I was joking when i said advise. He is a great kid. I hate to brag, BUT, He truely is awesome. The normal boy things, but all in all he does have his head on straight, now wether he uses what i taught him correctly is another story. I may be little but im mighty.LOL