One Nation Under God


New Member
What is your imput on the lastest court case stating the pledge is unconstitonal (sp) ?

As far as I'm concerned.. My whole life it under God :)

(i don't live there)
the goverment and religions should not be mixed.
They're just a bunch of idiots looking for something to do besides rulings that SHOULD be made, like cutting down on half the government for starters. Leave the pledge alone and pay more attention to serious matters. :headbang:
I don't care if it's left in, but I don't think it should have ever been added.

I agree though, there are plenty of things more deserving of government attention (tax dollars).
I see two issues:

1) The government must remain secular and neutral on matters of religion. If there is any reason for the government to have a pledge of allegiance in the first place, then it should make no mention of God.

2) The government should not be in the business of educating children. For the same reason that the government must be neutral with respect to religion, it must also be neutral with respect to what constitutes a proper education, what things will be taught as the truth, etc. All education, therefore, should be privately run. If, in that context, a school wants the children to recite the pledge of allegiance with "under God" in it, or the Lord's Prayer, or even Heil Hitler, that's between the owners of the school and the parents of the children. As far as I know, private schools can still recite the pledge any way they like. The goal, then, should be to make all schools private schools so that everyone will have the same freedom.
Only shows that some folks have too much time on their hands. I agree that the government shouldn't force religion on anyone, but the rules are pretty clear. If someone doesn't want to say 'Under God', then they do not have to. Period. Make all the claims of peer pressure you like, but, ultimately, the choice is an individual choice...not a group choice.

Another personal opinion...

If this guy has such a problem with his children saying the pledge, why doesn't he try another method to resolve the problem other than putting his children at a larger risk by making them pariahs? If he thinks his kids were being picked on before, what does he think is going to happen now?
this again??? christ theres so much on this. as i have said before, im all for it, but i do feel that this is complete BS. gov't and religion have no business being toghter. now let our tax dollars go to a better cause. enough of this bullshit. yay we got god out of the pledge and this guy has more than too much time on his hands. as i have siad in an earlier thread: WE DONT HAVE TO STAND FOR THE PLEDGE. why the fuck didnt he just do that?? now can we get off this topic? its not relevant as say i dont know whats going on in Israel,fear of terrorism(still fear and id feel better knowing my tax dollars went to help protect as many people as it could.) fury, you said it best. just a bunch of fuckheads who want to be in the news(though thats not your exact words i do agree with ya)
reiterating-had the pledge been originally written and adopted as is, then we should leave it alone. however, our esteemed politcos in the 1950's fucked with it and made it unconstitutional. return to the way it was and there will be no problem. we may be a judeo/christian based country but there are enough (1 is enough) people of other faiths &/or lack of faith to warrant it's re-wording again. check out

George Carlins "My Gods dick is bigger than your Gods dick"
do you believe in god? no BANG!! dead motherfucker. Do you believe in god? yes. do you believe in my god? no. BANG!! dead motherfucker. My god has a bigger dick than your god. thats one of my fave routines. ardsgaine i posted as i did for this reason. there are already two threads regarding this whole thing. i do post on here as i do feel that i am allowed to express my beliefs but this has become jaded. gonz i totally agree with ya.