one of those drivers


New Member
yes, i admit it ... i'm one of those drivers who talk on my cell while driving.
& now, hawaii is passing a law if someone is caught using a cell while driving, there'll be a $200 fine.

well, at least i won't use up my minutes anymore :lloyd:
We've had those laws for years, hasn't really stopped people. There has been more of the hands free devices which are legal but I still see people with the phone to their ear every day. The hands-free phone only helps the problem a little, it's still painfully obvious when someone isn't paying attention because they're talking on the phone.
greenfreak said:
We've had those laws for years, hasn't really stopped people. There has been more of the hands free devices which are legal but I still see people with the phone to their ear every day. The hands-free phone only helps the problem a little, it's still painfully obvious when someone isn't paying attention because they're talking on the phone.

The hands-free devices are legal here too. But I agree, they're stupid.
The People's Pineapple Republic don't want to fall behind other Liberal bastions in their drive to tell you how to live your life. Kudos’ to the silly-asses folks out there!

Be sure to 'buckle up' for safety!
and be sure the kid’s bicycle has head lights tail lights and the kid has his government approved helmet on.
My phone has a good speakerphone function on it, and that's what I generally use if I need to use the phone while I'm driving. That way, I can have both hands available to drive, especially since my car is a stick. I don't see how I'd be any more distracted while on the phone than I would be changing the radio station or talking to someone in the car with me.
Studies prove it.

People refuse to believe the studies because they don't like the facts they prove.

America - Land of the Inconvenienced.
If you can't walk and chew gum
drive and talk on a cel phone
then you shouldn't be allowed outside
without adult supervision!
Maybe I am a nutcase. Enough people seem to think so, and where there's smoke and all that.

I just look at it like this. Mankind survived on this planet for thousands of years (longer if you believe some) without the ability to talk on a cell phone while piloting a motor vehicle at the same time. 20 short years ago, the thought never entered our heads to do so. Now we act like we can't live unless we are allowed to do this. That to me equates to a simple convenience issue, not life or death. Until, that is, someone gets too involved in their copnversation to safely navigate said vehicle.

I wonder how many people would make the argument if a cell phone addict wiped your kids off a sidewalk some day. And sadly, it's gonna take enough people getting killed to stop the rest of you from doing it. Until then, it'll be all "I can do it, I don't see what the big deal is".

Study after study after study has shown conclusively that telephone conversations are handled by the brain differently than conversations with a passenger. The brain is not equipped to consistently be able to attend to both tasks fully. And people will neglect their driving to talk on a phone...we all know it. Still...

I don't own one (my job issues one and requires I carry it), and you couldn't pay me to sign up for one. I just hope I don't meet you guys in traffic anytime soon.
Don't walk and chew gum
wear your seatbelt
don't run red lights
wait for the signal before crossing the street
don't talk on your cel while driving
don't drive drunk
and on and on and on

fer Christsakes

why don't they pass a law against irresponsibility

and then we'd all be safe and sound!
I tried talking on the phone while driving a couple of times, then I used the hands free and I definitely notice that I am not concentrating on my the driving the same as if I am talking to someone sitting next to me. I don't use my cell while I am driving anymore.
Once towards the end of my flight training my instructor played one of his favorite tricks on me. He turned the volume up on the radio while I was on final approach to a rather short field. Of course I fell for it. Upon the next incoming radio transmission that was "BLARING" I became distracted and adjusted the knob. Of course even that small amount of inattention for a student pilot caused a great approach to become a lousy landing.

Yesterday I was driving with my Son who is 17 years and six months old and I've still got him on his learners permit.
His cel phone rang in his pocket and he had the good sense not to try to answer it. I answer my phone all the time but I've been driving 30+ years and can walk and chew gum.

Heck years ago, I used to talk on a two way radio take notes, munch a big Mac with a coke between my legs while exceeding the speed limit by an astounding margin, but then again, I can fly an airplane and chew gum too.

Outlaw stupidity and only outlaws will be stupid!
Since most people are stupid, I agree with SN'P that these laws are necessary. Most drivers I see plowing through red lights and chatting on their non hands-free cell phones did not endure high intensity flight training. If you want to get rid of the laws, perhaps make multitasking of this nature another hurdle towards getting your license.
abooja said:
perhaps make multitasking of this nature another hurdle towards getting your license.

Now you are talking!
Not making something as simple as using a cel phone illegal!

This lowest common denominator stuff
the enforcement of mediocrity
will be the death of excellence.