One way for me to help save Christmas...

Stop Laughing

New Member
One month ago, a Walgreens in Addison (a suburb not too far away) had a gas leak caused by a construction crew down the street. The store manager there is hailed as a hero for noticing it and evacuating the store and calling the fire department. However, the fire department wasn't too smart in that they went into the building to shut off the power and that caused the spark that ignited it (funny, the news didn't report what did cause the explosion, hmm...). The 2 firefighters were hurt but not severely and no one else was hurt, but obviously the store took a lot of damage. Anyways, just one month later, we're gonna make it ready to be open again because all of us in the district are sending people there to reset (my job) and restock the entire store in just a few days after construction finishes rebuilding the wall between the stockroom and the floor. This is coming after all of the district's stores have sent people to 2 new stores (I've spent 3 days at each myself, lots of OT pay headed my way) in the last 3 weeks. The explosion actually occured while we were setting the first store and right after it they were expecting it to reopen in January at the earliest which of course would be a huge loss considering it'd miss Christmas, but our district is steeping up big time to save it for them. I'm also making an impression at these new stores just by my knowledge of the stores and how well I'm setting everything up, even setting departments I wasn't assigned. Now I'm on a well-deserved week off except Tuesday when I'll go to Addison and be part of the team there who'll unload their big orders (I'm sure it'll be over 6000 pieces, the last new store got that much and it's a small store, Addison's big). This is basically the same type stuff I did about 4 years ago when the Franklin Park store I was at moved and I put in like 80 hours a week during the month of the move before I got full-time at the store down the street from me. Also this week our store bought out a competitor down the street from us and some others from my store will go and clean them out after they close, mostly their pharmacy and some merchandise that we can use, I may go over a day or 2 to help there as well. By the time all this settles down, it'll be after Thanksgiving, and of course nothing'll be free until after Christmas, so I better use my days off wisely...
er...the fire sounds like you bonused out!

That's good. mo money is always good. And a little bit of schmoozing with other store owners can't hurt either.
It's looking like you're making good impressions with the right people. Maybe Walgreen's is your career opportunity.
Inkara1 said:
It's looking like you're making good impressions with the right people. Maybe Walgreen's is your career opportunity.

OMG! You're actually encouraging SL to sell drugs?!? You should be ashamed of yourself... :lol2:
As long as you can keep your sanity with all the hours, this can't be anything but good for you.
hehe, I'm a Coke addict and a drug dealer. :rolleyes: Also, the only thing between my home and my work is death (a cemetery). These hours aren't that bad, remember, I worked insane hours when the FP store moved, several of those days over 12 hours, the longest I've worked on these is about 10. The only thing that kinda scared me was that the last new store wasn't in a particularly good neighborhood in Chicago (windows already had a couple of bullet holes :eek: ), but I survived.