One way to get out of the christmas shopping.

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
I got a phonecall this morning to tell me that my sister was admitted to hospital last night following an altercation with some pratt on a motorbike - claims he didn't see her - isn't that the line that car drivers usually use? - "Sorry mate I didn't see you... "

The upshot is her left leg is in plaster, after her knee was dislocated and all her tendons were torn, pending reconstructive surgery scheduled for thursday - and months off work. :( No christmas shopping for her!

Then to top it all my daughter's come out in a rash that looks suspiciously like measles - I've had to cancel the train tickets for London on monday and will have to phone first thing to let her cardiologist know and get a new appointment plus make one to see our doctor on an emergency appointment. If it is she won't be going back to school this term and that's my christmas shopping out the window too! :(

Since these things usually come in threes I'm just wondering what will happen next? :confuse3:
Sure hope its not the measles. So sorry to hear about this Auntie. *Hugs* I'll keep a good thought for you. All of you. :(
Ah man... :( Sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope your sister gets well soon, and that your daughter is all right.

Thank you all for your responses. I've just been talking to my mother and frankly I don't know why I bothered - she and my sister are like chalk and cheese. We discussed my sister for about 2 minutes and the next 45 minutes were spent with her telling all about her terrible day. Ho hum. :eek:

Ah well - the trials and tribulations of life..... :shrug: I don't think I will EVER understand what makes that woman tick. ?( she says she's going to live to be 100 just to piss everybody off. I said that was probably likely as only the good die young. :)
Thank you all for your responses. I've just been talking to my mother and frankly I don't know why I bothered - she and my sister are like chalk and cheese. We discussed my sister for about 2 minutes and the next 45 minutes were spent with her telling all about her terrible day. Ho hum. :eek:

Ah well - the trials and tribulations of life..... :shrug: I don't think I will EVER understand what makes that woman tick. ?( she says she's going to live to be 100 just to piss everybody off. I said that was probably likely as only the good die young - which she chose to ignore. :)
I thought it was my imagination but both my parents have become very judgemental in their later years. My sisters agree... Not that they weren't judgemental before, but not this much. ;) I guess they're preparing themselves for the inevitable constant complaints on their aches and pains except they don't have that many medical problems yet. :D
greenfreak said:
I thought it was my imagination but both my parents have become very judgemental in their later years. My sisters agree... Not that they weren't judgemental before, but not this much. ;) I guess they're preparing themselves for the inevitable constant complaints on their aches and pains except they don't have that many medical problems yet. :D

I do try very hard to be tolerant, which is probably why I'm the only one talking to her at the moment, but she really, really does drive everyone up the wall with her behaviour.

For example - she lives a ten minute drive from me, she's not particularly busy as she doesn't have many interests outside of her home but she's obssessive about keeping it clean and tidy - you're almost afraid to sit down and you daren't move anything. But she won't drive to my house and complains when I don't see her when she wants me to although she knows I have very little free time during the day and that it's difficult for me to bring Katie to her house in the evening as she won't sit still for very long. It's the same with my sister - we have to go to her. Plus she refused to go to my nieces wedding in june because she made a mistake with the date on the invitations and she didn't word them correctly - I mean how ridiculous can you get?. That mistake was on all the invitations for goodness sake. She seemed to think that it was deliberately to stop her from coming. Paranoia or what?

It's not that she doesn't have friends, but if I told them what she says about them to me she soon wouldn't! She doesn't behave towards them as she does towards us. I think she manipulates the situations so that she can have something to complain about to her friends so that she gets their sympathy and is the centre of attention all the time. She honestly acts like a spoilt child and at 70 that's a bit much.
It all sounds very very farmiliar. And my parents aren't in their 70's yet. Is this what I have to look forward to? :eek:

I guess after that many years, they think that everyone else should work around them... But you know if you were there every day, she still wouldn't be happy, right? :)
greenfreak said:
It all sounds very very farmiliar. And my parents aren't in their 70's yet. Is this what I have to look forward to? :eek:

I guess after that many years, they think that everyone else should work around them... But you know if you were there every day, she still wouldn't be happy, right? :)

Exactly. :shrug:

There's really no point in fretting about it 'cos she's too old to change and I just get more stressed out than I already am, so I just try to inject a bit of humour from time to time, whether anyone else appreciates it or not. The one thing that councelling did for me was to help me to identify the things that cause me stress and how to release the tension before it gets too much. Basically just not to let silly petty things wind me up so I can break the cycle. I'm a lot more laid back these days. :)
HomeLAN said:
Any updates? How's your daughter?

Katie's fine, she doesn't have measles it's a reaction to an unspecified cold type virus. Apparently there's lots of it about at the moment and she's OK to go back to school tomorrow. *Big sighs of relief all round*

My sister's waiting for her op and bored silly, moaning about the food and the little old biddies she's in with. :shrug:

After that we'll have to sort out a daybed downstairs for her at home and rearrange the bedrooms as I don't think she'll be able to get up to her 3rd floor attic bedroom, as the stairs are very narrow and winding, with her leg in plaster(16th Century Dutch Weavers Cottage). It looks like I might be round hers on christmas day cooking dinner.