Oops! Now, that just musta been a cowinkydink!

Ya Mean even the Terminator is growing weary
of presiding over the cluster f_ck that is Cali-for-nia?

Must suc when you know exactly how to fix a problem
but are unable to proceed with the course of action
that would solve the issue(s) instantly.

If Cali would do a few simple things
the State’s budget woes would evaporate
over night. (along with many other problems)

Slash taxes, create a favorable environment for business
give em’ every incentive known to man.
Declare a tax holiday in silly-cone valley
(no not Hollyweird)

Destroy the Unions that are strangling the State government.
Force a balanced budget and pay down the debt to zero
get that triple A credit rating back, not junk bond status.

Throw the illegal beanners off the welfare rolls
and out of the emergency rooms, hell, bus em all back
to México.
You’d save a Mount Everest size pile of cash right there.

Wipe away all the laws the tree-huggers love
burn baby burn! Then drill holes in every square inch of the
coastline and pump out every ounce of oil out you can.
The State would make a fortune off that alone.
Heck throw in a dozen refineries while yer at it!

Build enough nasty nuke and coal power plants
that the State becomes an electricity exporter
not an importer? Make the electric rates some
of the lowest in the nation. Bring on the smog!

Yup ya could turn that place around onna dime
It would boom (again) so far, so fast that you’d be rolling
in tax revenues even during this depression.

but none of that shit is ever gonna happen.

That would be a disaster. Good thing you can't vote here.
Low taxes, cheap electricity, State coffers overflowing
and a booming economy. yep a Liberals nightmare!
And you know this How?
Show me the numbah's!
Prove you vague assertions’
I demand it! You owe me!