Operation: Can You Hear Us Now??

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Well-Known Member

Big media is in the crosshairs! Will they hear us now?

March on the media marches on!

Overwhelming responses want this on a Saturday - OKAY, then let it be written... Saturday it is!!!

Without the media there would be no 0bama nor Democrat Congress. People forget the saying of “If a tree falls in the forest”. Imagine, there was a million plus person march on Washington and no one reported it. It did not happen. The media will never be America's friend. Treat them accordingly and make them the news. Make it a day of celebration against propaganda.

October 17th, 2009 could be a great day in American history. The so-called "media" is complicit with big government and the party in power. Politicians USED to be afraid of the media – no longer! Now, the "media" is the mouthpiece of the government!

May October 17th be a day we let the media never forget – a day when we marched to their front door and called them the "traitors" to the Republic they are. So much for "watchdogs" – they’re "lapdogs of the left." Their silence is their consent…

Well America, let’s see who’s "bark" is louder…

Lalala....I can't hear you

While liberal bloggers were claiming there were mere thousands of conservative marchers in DC, rather than a million, they refused to address the political ramifications of the protests.
Re: Oeration: Can You Hear Us Now??

One of the largest gatherings in DC, it was played off as a small gathering. The other, bigger in my opinion, story was the fact that a shitload of working class, non-hippie types took time out of their busy schedule to attend. Conservataives don't do this kind of stuff, somebody has to pay the bills.
Re: Oeration: Can You Hear Us Now??

One of the largest gatherings in DC, it was played off as a small gathering.

I saw them cover it.


"Carrying signs depicting President Obama as Adolf Hitler and the Joker, and chanting slogans such as "'No big government" and "Obamacare makes me sick," approximately 60,000 to 70,000 people flooded Pennsylvania Ave, according to the Washington DC Fire Department.

Organized by FreedomWorks, a conservative activist group led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey"


Here's an article at CNN:

There's a search feature on these news sites. I'm not sure why the person who wrote that article didn't try that.
Re: Oeration: Can You Hear Us Now??

I saw them cover it.


"Carrying signs depicting President Obama as Adolf Hitler and the Joker, and chanting slogans such as "'No big government" and "Obamacare makes me sick," approximately 60,000 to 70,000 people flooded Pennsylvania Ave, according to the Washington DC Fire Department.

Organized by FreedomWorks, a conservative activist group led by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey"


Here's an article at CNN:

There's a search feature on these news sites. I'm not sure why the person who wrote that article didn't try that.

These news sites have

Oh they covered the event in a weird conspiracy theorist manner, but they missed the real storys by m-i-l-e-s.

Someone would first have to understand that there was much more to the story, have an open mind as it were.
Re: Oeration: Can You Hear Us Now??

No, they pretty much covered it the way they should cover any rallies.
Re: Oeration: Can You Hear Us Now??

Conservataives don't do this kind of stuff, somebody has to pay the bills.

aw, poor little oppressed conservative. golly i bet you pay just sooooo much in taxes. well, it's a good thing the rest of us have high-achiever heroes like you to carry our weight.
Re: Oeration: Can You Hear Us Now??

No, what do you mean? They covered it. They've covered larger rallies like the Million Man march and the anti-war protests.

You think the one you like should be extra special?

They "covered" it and buried it.
Nope, they covered it like they cover other rallies. The articles are still available and not buried.

Whoever wrote that article is either a nutcase or an idiot.

OMG the media didn't cover our thing! I'll ignore the fact that they did cover our thing.
Re: Oeration: Can You Hear Us Now??

They "covered" it and buried it.

The only thing that would have made you crybabies happy is if there had been trumpets and fanfare and if every major media outlet would have preempted all scheduled coverage to cover it, AND called it the only march on Washington or protest in the capital of any significance in the nation's history!

Then you STILL would have said the liberal media slighted you in their coverage somehow!

WAAAA!!! :crying6:
You know it's funny I don't remember the media making a really big deal that Bush NEEDED all that Secret Service detail on his inauguration. There was a lot of very angry protest, and the media did make mention of it, but where was the "liberal media" then? Why wasn't that something they harped on for months?

It just goes right down to the fact that conservatives have been shown to be more paranoid in scientific studies. The "liberal media" is just a product of their characteristic paranoia!
Waaa the libewal media is huwting ouw feewings! We have ouw widdle teabag pawties and nobody tweats us like we walk on water of even like we awe even impowtant! WAAAA!


Let's all cry for the plight of the endangered North American Conservative!
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