

molṑn labé
Staff member
He will be handed out tonight to the egomaniacal, the undeserving & the average of the best. Chris Rock wil piss somebody off. So will Robin Williams. A few other people will say stupid or ignorant things, igniting a temorary furor. The rest will babble uncontrollably for (what seems like) hours.

God already had his say...No nomination for Passion of the Christ? Fine...Here, you might like 2 feet of rain :p
There is a god

she is in forms of

Halle Barry, Selma Hayek and Charlieze Theron.....goddamn those three looked good
I'm going to turn on punk music and throw expensive things into my ceiling fan.

$6722 worth of stuff has been sacrificed to the fan gods.
Chris Rock gives me gas. I watched the first half tivo'd skipping through his moronic bullshit. Then I caught up with real time, and had to turn it off.
Not that The Aviator was his greatest film or anything, but I just wanted to mention that, once again, Martin Scorsese got screwed over by the Academy. Stupid Hollywood insiders. Just because a guy likes to film in New York. This is why I hate awards shows. :shrug:
HomeLAN said:
Actually, yeah. I thought it was one hell of a performance.

Never saw it. Doubt I ever will. Never been a big fan of people riding a guys death to fortune. Some will call Ray a tribute movie. Personally, I'll stick to calling it a quick grab for sympathy money.
Actually, it was in production, with his blessing and active input, at the time of his death. It was always meant to be a biography, not a memorial. That's just the way it turned out.
I happened to wander by when Rock was praising Farenheit911...need I say moore?

As far as Ray goes, I remember Jamie Foxx on In Living Color. He's come a long way.
Foxx was pretty damn good in Collateral too. And that tatoo isn't permanent, he's got it on for a movie he's doing. I saw him on Inside the Actor's Studio (Bravo channel) and it was easily one of the most entertaining shows I've seen. I have a better appreciation for him and his talents this year.

And he is a damn good singer/piano player too.

I went to sleep at 10, what did I miss? Who won best actor, actress, movie?
What you don't get in The Aviator is a Martin Scorsese film cut from his own dark obsessions (he took on the project late, when Michael Mann dropped out). The clowns who hated Scorsese's brutal, brilliant Gangs of New York will no doubt hail the crowd-pleasing, digitally enhanced PG-13 Aviator and prod Academy members to dole out his overdue Oscar.
That's from Pever Travers/Rolling STone. I guess he was wrong. But I thought it was interesting that Mann didn't finish and Scorsese took over. Wonder what happened with that.

We saw Aviator, it was pretty good. An epic-type film, definitely.
I got stuck watching part of it. Chris Rock can be rather annoying, and he sure was. Passion of the Christ had a nomination for some technical award, but I think that as it.