Other people's children...

This guy can set whatever rules he wants inside his place, as long as it ain't illegal. In the long run, the free market will tell him whether or not it was a good idea.
I'm for it. If they can tell me I can't smoke after I eat, then keep yer brats quiet and out of my face.

Now when a restaurant has the balls to put in kid control, plus ban cell phones AND those who bathe in cologne/perfume, they have a customer for life.
SouthernN'Proud said:
I'm for it. If they can tell me I can't smoke after I eat, then keep yer brats quiet and out of my face.

Now when a restaurant has the balls to put in kid control, plus ban cell phones AND those who bathe in cologne/perfume, they have a customer for life.

Amen, brother, sing that song! !

I clearly remember being corrected by my mother when I screwed up in public as a child. A swift swat to the bottom would usually remind me that my noise/behavior was not welcome by everyone withing hearing/sight.
AMEN. When I go into kid-friendly places, I usually size up the crowd from the door and ask to sit in a quiet, kid-free area. I don't want to pay to listen to some kid scream and cry while the parents ignore them and let them throw their tantrums. The rest of the restaurant is not the babysitter.
sounds like a great idea to me, I hate eatig whil parents ignore their kids tantrums, take the child outside, at least do SOMETHING.

if you got to a chucky cheez you expect the noise, same with mcdonalds etc. but if it somewhere nice, I want adult time. Family restaurants are for families, cafe's etc are not.
My only Chi el dren just interviewed today for job with Princeton review
part time when he's not attending classes

16 bucks an hour to teach SAT prep classes

the lil turd