

New Member
Welp, leave it to me!
The other day my hand blew up like one of the gloves you get in a doctor's office and blow up for the kids. Went to the ER, here I sprained my wrist!!!????!!!!! Don't know what the hell I did, don't remember hitting it or nothing. Someone at work gave me this "biofreeze" gelpack. OMG, it works wonders!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, along with the vicodprophen they gave me! LOL
Getting alittle better now though. I just hate the itchies I get from the meds, but, boy, do they make you feel good.:D
How does someone sprain a wrist and not know how they did it? lol... just what *do* you do in your sleep?? :D
Spirit said:
How does someone sprain a wrist and not know how they did it? lol... just what *do* you do in your sleep?? :D

I know...........LOL........I have know clue...just hurt in the morning and progressed as the day went on, until it was so swollen i couldnt move it. They had to cut my rings and all off. ??????
Spirit said:
just what *do* you do in your sleep?? :D

Well I've been known to hold long intricate conversations and not know a thing about them the next morning... It must be something in the genes cos my sister used to do the same thing... :eek5: