Our dinner with Sharky


New Member
We met up with Sharky tonight! It was a good time! Had a few drinks and a nice meal. Marlowe wanted to adopt him :D

Thanks for dining with us, Man!
Do you have any photographs??

Will Sharky be the next photo to be carried everywhere? (or was that Malory??)
What about the photo toting? Am I correct in thinking it was Marlowe who took the pic of Ted everywhere with her? And the pic of Payton?
I know both you and Rob have cameras on your phones... you could've at least gotten a quick group shot or something. :p
What about the photo toting? Am I correct in thinking it was Marlowe who took the pic of Ted everywhere with her? And the pic of Payton?

It was Marlowe with a picture of Ted (and the Russian Waffle House cook) by her bedside. I wonder where that's run off to.

Inky - sorry man...totally spaced it out.
haha I love the antics of kids!!

I am excited to have my own rugrats (in 7 to 10 years)!!
Grilled is OK but I prefer to be baked. :lloyd:

It was really cool meeting Unc and Tonksy! Marlowe and Mallory are adorable. :cool:

I had my camera in the car, but it never occured to me to snap a pic. :shrug:
I was very impressed by them, too - they were so sweet and well-behaved*. Reminded me a lot of my nieces at that age. :cool:

*Folks, I'm not just saying that. They were so well-behaved, a lady from another table stopped by to compliment Tonksy and Unc on them. :)
We have some crazy interisland airfare wars going on now!! One airline recently announced flights for $1!!

... of course, this is no help to any of you unless you are here to begin with :D