Our Saudi allies


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Saudis Release 1,500 Al Qaeda Terrorists on Promise to Be Good

All it took was a promise not to wage jihad on the Arabian Peninsula for the Saudi royal family to free 1,500 imprisoned Al Qaeda members, declaring they had been "reformed."

The kingdom's Interior Ministry released the terrorists last weekend, according to the Saudi newspaper Al Watan as reported by the New York Sun.

Click here to read the complete story in The New York Sun.

In an interview with Al Watan, Muhammad al-Nujaimi, a member of the special committee to reform jihadists, said the Al Qaeda terrorists have pledged to end their campaign to rid the Arabian Peninsula of infidels.

"After several graded sessions with the committee, and having been convinced of their misguided vision, they renounced their erroneous ideologies, including the concept of driving out all infidels from the Arabian Peninsula," al-Nujaimi said, according to The Sun.

The 1,500 had been rounded up in crackdowns that began in 2003.


Saudis make up 41% of foreign fighters in Iraq

More than 40% of the foreign fighters who entered Iraq to join the insurgency in the past year were citizens of Saudi Arabia, America's key partner in the Middle East, according to detailed information seized from a camp used by them. Documents and computers found by the US army at Sinjar, on the Iraqi-Syrian border, revealed that the other single largest group came from Libya, which is now being rehabilitated as a reliable western ally.


Iraq was the logical place to conduct a "War on Terror". :laugh:
No. Not, really. Too many internal problems with that scenario...including Mecca and Medina.

I'm not either.
We need to start pulling back for trying to police the world, and start taking more care for Our home.

I'm not saying we don't need to have any foreign relations (isolationist style),
but we simple can't democratized the whole world.
We need to loosen restrictions up the CIA for more covert stuff, and build our
foreign spies back up. (I think that has happened some already.)