
You beat me to it by 15 minutes. I too was outraged by such a punk-ass move.

Planting flags to claim territory? How 16th century can you get? If they actually get some kind of exclusion claim out of it then I say that the US solely owns the Moon since we flagged that mutha in 69.
yep them russkies need foreign policy intrigue to keep their minds off domestic problems.

The more Vladmir shows the more I miss the Soviets. Thgis guy is becoming a certifiable fascist.
"This may sound grandiloquent but for me this is like placing a flag on the moon, this is really a massive scientific achievement," Sergei Balyasnikov, a spokesman for Russia's Arctic and Antarctic Institute, told Reuters news agency."

Well yeah they did miss out on that one,
that means the Moon is ours!
The more Vladmir shows the more I miss the Soviets. Thgis guy is becoming a certifiable fascist.

no shit! at least before they could pretend it was about something ideological, now it's just a facadeless them-and-us as soon as somebody over there runs outta TP and vodka and gets cranky.