
I heard the owner on the radia discussing this. I can't fathom it being "faster", from order taking to ordering to cook but hey, capitalism at its best.
my brother used to work at mcdonalds, and i think he said something about how the one he worked at had 100 people thru the drive -thru in an hour, and so everyone that was working then got $100 or something.
Well, I'm not gonna eat from anywhere, where I can bitch at a person if they make a mistake. :D
Indian outsourcing too expensive

Workers $204 per month is uncompetitive --- sheesh

By Nick Farrell: Thursday 25 August 2005, 10:19

NUMBER CRUNCHERS at Gartner are predicting doom and gloom for the Indian outsourcing biz.
The Big G says that India’s wage bill for developers is sky rocketing and its share of the outsourcing market could fall by as much as 45 percent by 2007.

Gartner says that the ancient land is having to face stiff competition from cheaper, or closer countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Eastern Europe and they will not cut the mustard.

The main reason is that India’s wage bill is getting too high, with call centre staff now demanding between $159-$204 a month when before they only wanted $114-$136.

At the same time the country’s infrastructure is not keeping pace with the rapid growth of the industry.

Re: Indian outsourcing too expensive

$204 US Dollars is a gazillion bajillion rupees.