

New Member
this is worrying me.
i just ovedosed, however minorly, in that i took my nighttime meds twice.
now i'm scared to go to bed. what if i don't wake up?
it was just a second dose, it wasnt like i lined them up and took 50 doses.
i'm probably just overreacting.

these are my meds and what they technically are used for.
Neurontin (anticonvulsant), Wellbutrin (antidepressant), Trileptal (anticonvulsant), and Abilify (tranquiliser) ... rxlist.com didnt have much useful info on what to do in case of overdose.

i went and asked my parents what i should do, and they were half asleep and told me i should be fine.

but i'm still worried. if you never hear from me again, i probably died.

but if anyone knows anything on this topic, please share.
you most likely are just stressing your self. it will be allright :hug: try to sleep some tonite. more than likely youll feel a little sick. thats probably all
How do you feel? If you are woozy and dizzy, it might be best to throw up . . . I don't know . . .

Is there a poison center hotline where you live? If not, the number for the Florida Poison Information Center is 1-800-222-1222.

Stay with us!!
I don't think a second dose would do much harm to you other than feeling a bit sick or with "sea sickness".

How much mg of medicament (??) do the pills have?
I'm sure you'll be just fine Ash. Question though, do you really need all those drugs? I'm familiar with all of them including the Neurontin. I know many people who take them and few who truly need them.
I know it's none of my business but i know bipolar schizophrenics who'd be afraid to take that combination(seriously).
You should be fine... but just in case, look for the LD(lethal dose) statistics on those drugs. If it's ~4 pills or below, i'd start vomiting if i were you.

But you should be fine, just keep calm.
i seem to have made it thru the night :)
thank you everyone for your suggestions and caring ^_^

hexy - i actually do need the meds, especially the neurontin. i take 600 mg 3x daily (usually ends up being 2x, tho), and it keeps me not-weird. sometimes i notice how weird i'm getting, and that reminds me that it's time for a dose of neurontin. and then i'm ok.
i've been on the neurontin and wellbutrin since april of '99. they seem to work ok.
and the trileptal is a dream. it silences the thoughts that used to upset me... my mind used to race... now it's calmer.
and the abilify just helps me sleep. i take that one at night. i have trouble sleeping without it. i dont think i'm dependent on it... i think that i'm just naturally an insomniac.
but my psychiatrist is thinking of changing the wellbutrin to something else cos i seem to be building up a high tolerance for it.
i myself am Bipolar, but i'm the sort who doesn't let the disorder control them; i'm not it's plaything. and the meds really help with all that :)
Glad to see you're ok ash. :)
I saw this post at about 6am this morning, and was concerned,
but not much I could do about it, especially that late.:(
If I had seen this post in time I would've flown down ..
Took your socks off and walked you around in circles on a colf floor.

Because thats just the kind of guy I am.
Don't know if you smoke ash r ? If you do Wellbutrin is the generic brand of Ziban, that is supposed to help stop smoking also.....
Don't worry.

Meds are designed with such circumstances in mind. In case people take them twice after forgetting that they took their intial dose.

It is not advised to do that often but once in a while it is no harm.