Ozzy Osbourne severly injured


Well-Known Member
I just thought I´d let you guys know...

Ozzy Osbourne crashed a four-wheel motorcycle thingy on his estate in England today.

According to the article I´ve read he´s broken a collarbone, six ribs and his neck. He´s also suffering from internal hemmoraging.

Get well Ozzy. We love you.
Link the the swedish article if you happen to read swedish.(copied to the catacom boards)
oh no....this is awful news. despite his media portrayal as a blithering idiot, he is a musical giant and i hopehopehope he gets better soon.
Squiggy said:
:lloyd: Is he showing any signs of being aware of it? :tardbang:
Kinda what I was wonderin and if he is aware ,how much drugs are they going to have to pump into him to make the pain go away,hes probably built up quite a tolerance to prescription pain killers.

I hope he gets back on his feet soon to. :crying4:
he was is and always will be the king of metal and the Ozzman. glad he put on a show. shows what a trooper he is. ill always be a fan of the Ozzman
Get well Oz man!!!!!!!
On the news yesterdat down here they were saying his doc had him taking 40 some pills a day, thats why he shok and was 1/2 out of it on The Osbourne show. I thought had systems of a stroke from his earlier years, but with Sharon being sick and his 2 bratty kids, he delt with alot, so now they are going to pull the docs liscense and go to court. Ozzy stated that he was afraid to fall asleep at night that he might not wake in the morning-
I'm pulling for ya Oz-Hang in there .
PS. The osbornes are going after the doc for $650 thousand.

GO OZ!!!! And get well soon :crying4:
Oh please, they're going to sue the doc for prescribing 40+ pills per day?? I guess everyone else was too stupid to figure out that that many painkillers is too freakin much? All these celebrities can get any scrip they want from these Beverly Hills doctors, they just need the money. Sure, the doc's not doing the right thing either but Ozzy is not without blame. But he'll sue and probably win anyway.

I don't know how much of a difference pills vs. no pills is going to be on his general state. He always seemed out of it to me in his later years.
this seriously has me bummed...i have a frigging ozzy christmas tree ornament for heavens sakes......seen him in concert....hope he pulls through. :crying4:
Bummer, I hope everything goes well for 'im. My dad was in a 4-wheeler accident two years ago and broke his collar bone. I think he was much luckier than Ozzy, but it still hurt like a sunovabitch. He quit smoking, though, and still doesn't. Took his father having a heart attack and him having a broken collar bone to do it ... but that's another thread story.

Get well, Ozzy!
tonks said:
this seriously has me bummed...i have a frigging ozzy christmas tree ornament for heavens sakes......seen him in concert....hope he pulls through. :crying4:

Right there with ya tonks love that dude... :crying4:

send xtra love to "THE OZ".......