P4 processors???


Well-Known Member
I'm going to get a 800mhz bus 3.0gig P4 soon.
I'm trying to decide if I want to go with the Prescott, or the Northwood.
I know the prescott has the sse3 instrutions, and the larger cache, but
the Northwood seems to get better scores/benchmarks, and I hear it
runs quite a bit cooler, and overclocks better.
I don't do gaming, and am not going to OC right away.
I wish I could afford the "Extreme" edition Northwood, but they are still
way out of my reach.
So wadda ya think, what rev. to go with?
I'll be/am using a Asus P4P800 mobo
Kingston 3200 HyperX-22261
running a celly-D [email protected] on it right now.
I'm looking into getting a Radeon 9600 pro video to go in it.
ekahs retsam said:
Thats what I'm using, be sure to check what board, RAM, and video card work best with your processor. Especially dual channel RAM.

I would would go for the Prescott because it tends to do better in tests and Northwood is nearing the end of its product life cycle at 3.4 GHz. As the speed is increased the more stress is applied to the architecture. I think you should be fine at 3.0 but it is something to consider. If you go with the Prescott remember that it requires a far more powerfull cooling system then the Northwood because it often has "heat related issues". :wink2:
ekahs retsam said:
I would would go for the Prescott because it tends to do better in tests and Northwood is nearing the end of its product life cycle at 3.4 GHz. As the speed is increased the more stress is applied to the architecture. I think you should be fine at 3.0 but it is something to consider. If you go with the Prescott remember that it requires a far more powerfull cooling system then the Northwood because it often has "heat related issues". :wink2:

First off, from what I've seen the northwood out performs the prescoot by
just a little on about 8 out 10 tests.
Second I don't think northwoods lifespand 'is' close to the end yet, as they just
came out with the 'extreme' editions. :confused:
As far as heating issues, I'll be getting the 'retail' version which will come
with the hs/fan and is cover by 3 year warrenty. (either way I go) :shrug:
As I said i won't be overclocking right away.
Also on the heat thing.... This comp will be my secondary/main rig over at
my lab. If I was going to use it for my main/main rig here in my bedroom,
I'd had to go with northwood. I couldn't stand the extra heat just in the room. :nerd:

So, I'm still hung.
I know what northwood is about, but I haven't tried the prescott in a reg p4.
I do had that cel-D with the sse3, and don't see much diff than the lower fsb northwood cel.
I know the northwood cel-2.4-400 @ 3.2-533, is
smoking the prescott cel-2.4-533 @ 3.0-668 on folding@home. :confused:
and still runs cooler.
My specs.

OS Name Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Version 5.1.2600 Service Pack 1 Build 2600
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer INTEL_
System Model D875BZLK
System Type X86-based PC
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2992 Mhz
Processor x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9 GenuineIntel ~2992 Mhz
BIOS Version/Date Intel Corp. BZ87510A.86A.0026.P05.0304231448, 4/23/2003
SMBIOS Version 2.3
Windows Directory C:\WINDOWS
System Directory C:\WINDOWS\System32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume3
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "5.1.2600.1106 (xpsp1.020828-1920)"
User Name CONSTRUCT\Administrator
Time Zone Central Daylight Time
Total Physical Memory 1,024.00 MB
Available Physical Memory 591.70 MB
Total Virtual Memory 3.40 GB
Available Virtual Memory 2.62 GB
AGP Video Device Hercules 3D Prophet 9800Pro Series

anyway, enjoy your new system and finding little green men. :D
ekahs retsam said:
anyway, enjoy your new system and finding little green men. :D

SETI is what that is. I do have a team for that, for the slower comps,
Folding is working with genes/proteins to maybe cure human diseases, and stuff. ;)

I'm going to be trying it with, and without HT turned on, to see which does best.
I've gotten the 3.2, and a 3.0 .... 800/prescotts, and they both
do seem faster and smoother. The northwood I have [email protected] runs
more like a 2.8 prescott. Of coarse is on a little older board, and on
400@533 bus, and doesn't have the extra sse3, or as high a cache.

So, I guess I'm a prescott man now ;)

I'm starting to build a few amd sempron systems to try to compete a little
better with the big boys (dell, gateway hp...) on price.