Pa. high court tosses ‘kids for cash’ convictions


New Member
This stemmed from their juvenile detention for profit / slavery scheme. Good to see them getting some justice.

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. - The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Thursday dismissed thousands of juvenile convictions issued by a judge charged in a corruption scandal, saying that none of the young offenders got a fair hearing.

The high court on Thursday threw out more than five years' worth of juvenile cases heard by former Luzerne County Judge Mark Ciavarella, who is charged with accepting millions of dollars in kickbacks to send youths to private detention centers.

The Philadelphia-based Juvenile Law Center, which represents some of the youths, said the court's order covers as many as 6,500 cases. The justices barred any possibility of retrial in all but a fraction of them.

"This is exactly the relief these kids needed," said Marsha Levick, the center's legal director. "It's the most serious judicial corruption scandal in our history and the court took an extraordinary step in addressing it."

Children appeared without lawyers
Children routinely appeared in front of Ciavarella without lawyers for hearings that lasted only a few minutes. Ciavarella also failed to question young defendants to make sure they fully understood the consequences of waiving counsel and pleading guilty, showing "complete disregard for the constitutional rights of the juveniles," the Supreme Court said.

After being found delinquent, the youths were often shackled and taken to private jails whose owner was paying bribes to the judge. Federal prosecutors have said that Ciavarella and another Luzerne County judge, Michael Conahan, took a total of $2.8 million in payoffs.

"Ciavarella's admission that he received these payments, and that he failed to disclose his financial interests arising from the development of the juvenile facilities, thoroughly undermines the integrity of all juvenile proceedings before Ciavarella," the Supreme Court said.

The judges pleaded guilty in February to honest services fraud and tax evasion in a deal with prosecutors that called for a sentence of 87 months in prison. But the deal was rejected in August by Senior U.S. District Judge Edward M. Kosik, who said the two hadn't fully accepted responsibility for the crimes, and the ex-judges switched their pleas to not guilty.

A federal grand jury then returned a 48-count racketeering indictment against the judges, who await trial.

The Supreme Court had previously overturned hundreds of juvenile convictions involving low-level offenses. Thursday's ruling covered all cases heard by Ciavarella between 2003 and 2008, including ones involving more serious crimes.

"We fully agree that, given the nature and extent of the taint, this Court simply cannot have confidence that any juvenile matter adjudicated by Ciavarella during this period was tried in a fair and impartial manner," the court wrote.

Prosecutors in Luzerne County had agreed that none of the convictions should stand, but they wanted the right to bring dangerous offenders back into court for retrials.

The court said the district attorney's office may seek to retry youths who remain under court supervision — a group that Levick said likely numbers fewer than 100. And those youths may challenge any attempt to retry them on double-jeopardy grounds, the court said.

Ex-judges seek immunity
Berks County Senior Judge Arthur Grim, whom the justices appointed in February to review cases handled by Ciavarella, will consider any retrial requests made by the DA's office and forward his recommendations to the high court.

Meanwhile, the two ex-judges have asked to be dismissed as defendants in a series of civil lawsuits filed in the wake of the juvenile justice scandal.
Another fine example of predictable bureaucracy from a liberally controlled blue bastion. Certainly corruption like this could not happen with health rationing or indigent death panels.

"We're from the guvvmint, we're here to help" :hump:
The trouble started when they went to a private for-profit facility.

You never thought corruption could happen in private business?
So, a corrupt private company paying a corrupt government official is a poke at private industry? If the judge had them arrested instead of taking, what did the story say, oh yea, MILLIONS, you'd have a point. Instead, the governemnt official put himself ahead of his ethics & broke the law.

Government official -2
Private industry - 1
They didn't have the problem until it went private for-profit. There was no motive to bribe a judge to get more kids in the facility.
They didn't have the problem until it went private for-profit.

That's an assumption. The judge may have been corrupt for years or he may have just been waiting for an opportunity to present itself.
Really? Ok, the judge certainly could have been waiting for an opportunity.

But there wasn't one until the juv center went private and for-profit. You really just need to look at the motivation. The judge could have been doing a good job until someone waved a shit ton of cash at him.

It's the same with the corporate interests in Washington. Politicians want to do good things but then all this money is there.
So servitude slavery never happened under a government controlled penal system?

We should just trust the government blindly.
Reading the obviously flawed arguments within this thread I am prepared with the following statements.
1) Big Business can not be trusted
2) Government can not be trusted
3) Corporate C's are all corrupt motherfuckers
4) Politicians are all corrupt motherfuckers
5) There are a few exceptions to the above statements but they are few and far between
6) It is up to the citizens to keep their eye on both of these factions and not trust any of them

This being said, I'm pretty shocked that something like this went on for so many years before it was caught, especially youths appearing before the judge without legal representation. That's a big warning flag if I ever saw one!

I hope they hang these judges high.
6) It is up to the citizens to keep their eye on both of these factions and not trust any of them


The difference is, one can put you in jail/seize your property & one is just a pain in the ass.
No ma'am, that would be the government.
The government that is owned by business. Do you really believe that all those water-front properties that have been ripped off via "eminent domain" were for the direct needs of the community when the land was handed over to the developers? Really!
The government is the one with the power. How, or why, they chose to use that power is irrelevant.

Business can bribe, cajole or threaten all they wish. Government is the one with power.