Palin Wins -- Levi Johnston Ordered to Pay Up


Well-Known Member
Judge Orders Levi Johnston to pay Bristol Palin Back Child Support

In a 20-minute hearing Thursday, a judge ordered Levi Johnston to pay child support and retroactive back payments for the care of Tripp, the son he had with Bristol Palin, daughter of former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin.

"The judge decided that Bristol should have child support, which we don't disagree with," Butler told the ABC News Law and Justice Unit. "Fortunately, Levi has put this money aside a long time ago. The back support is going to come out to about $10,000 to $13,000, and he's going to write Bristol a check."

Awwww, Levi's blue.......

kinda what I was thinking in a little different way.

I don't think anybody wins with a 'deadbeat dad' as a father of their child, or grandchild.
He should have been paying child support all along.

Is this Jerry Springer Show drama over with now? Moving on! Thanks!
He's going to have to pose for a lot of centerfolds over the next 18 years to keep up the payments.
Bristol Palin On Fox News: Abstinence-Only Education Is "Not Realistic"

Didn't mommie ever tell ya 'bout condumbs or the pill, ya horny biotch?

You all go on and continue to remain focused on the
former governor of Alaska’s teenaged daughters’ baby daddy.
This is of major consequence to… ah um, what again???

Oh yeah and tell YER daughters aboot where babies come from M’Kay?
Everyone knows they come from standing next to other hawt chicks!
