Palm Pilot


New Member
I just bought me a new planner 'cause my old one ripped. Am I the only person in the world that doesn't own a Palm Pilot?
No, you are not. My mobile filing system is one overstuffed notebook and a shitload of extremely important, useless papers and a couple pieces of marble all smashed all over my dashboard.
Originally posted by kuulani
Don't forget the stash of receipts that'll never get looked at again ...
Those are smashed into the cubbyhole under the radio :)
I finally got a Handspring Visor so I would stop writing things that I didn't want to forget on my left hand. Before that I had a Day Runner which was hopelessly disorganized. I got an organizer and felt guilty because it wasn't organized. Who needs that?!
When my uncle died, I got his Handspring Visor because I was the only one who could figure out how to use it. All I ever did with it was download minesweeper and a Bush/Gore Florida vote tabulator onto it and play with those during my astronomy class. The batteries died in it and I never bothered to change them.