parallel parking anyone

You realize this is gonna cut my productivity in previous productivity will now be split into one quarter productivity and three quarters playing this game...that will be like one eighth of my day spent working :lloyd:
Funny thing is...the ONLY thing I lost marks for in the parallel parking section of my driving test last week was signaling to late...and I don't even signal here...
91.92 in 5.43 seconds

109.65 in 4.56 seconds

121.34 in 3.80 seconds

140.16 in 3.33 seconds

148.51 in 3.36 seconds (no wrecks :brush: )

150.61 in 3.16 seconds

163.24 in 3.06 seconds
If there's anyone who can get the high scores (the top left button) to work without crashing their flash player, could you tell me what place i'm in? :lloyd:
I might try it once my DSL starts working on Friday.

For real fun, try parallel parking a 1962 Ford Fairlane. I've done it, in one try. :D