Paul Maintains Top Tier Status In New Hampshire, Perry Plummets


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Texas Governor scores just 4% in latest poll

Steve Watson
October 11, 2011

Congressman Ron Paul has been placed third in the latest telling poll to emerge from the traditional first primary state of New Hampshire, while Rick Perry could only tie for fifth, seeing his numbers plummet to just 4%.

Harvard University Institute of Politics and New Hampshire Institute of Politics at Saint Anselm College poll placed Paul in third with 13% of the vote, making him only one of three candidates to score in double digits.

Herman Cain pulled in 20%, while Mitt Romney led the standings with 38%.

Following this weekend’s Values Voter Summit straw poll win, the New Hampshire poll once again reflects the fact that Paul is maintaining his status as a top tier candidate.

Perry, on the other hand, has slumped after entering the race and quickly polling as the front runner, leading Romney by double-digit margins according to some surveys.

Perry has now seemingly slipped to the lower tier levels inhabited by candidates like Huntsman, Bachmann and Santorum.

Perry has failed abysmally in the two debates he has so far been involved in, and tonight’s Washington Post/ Bloomberg debate at Dartmouth in New Hampshire, along with the next week’s CNN debate, will be seen as make or break events for his campaign.

According to ABC News, the seating arrangements for tonight’s debate have been based on the current standings in polls. ABC suggests that Cain will be seated next to Mitt Romney tonight, but makes no mention of where exactly Ron Paul will be situated in relation to Romney and Perry.

The Paul campaign will be airing a new ad during the debate tonight.

The 30 second spot, part of a seven figure ad push in the early primary states, is entitled simply “Secure”, and focuses on Paul’s pledge to shore up America’s borders.

“Ron Paul is the only Republican presidential candidate to put forth the notion that a strong national defense means ending destructive unconstitutional wars having an unclear connection to national security, ending costly state-building in regions where our presence is unwanted, and bringing hundreds of thousands of troops home to make America safer and cut overseas spending,” said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

“This ad will affirm Dr. Paul’s standing as the best candidate to face issues pertaining to national security all in the context of refocusing our efforts on protecting America’s borders and threats that might arrive on America’s soil, not foreign lands,” said Mr. Benton.

Watch the ad below:


Steve Watson is the London based writer and editor for Alex Jones’, and He has a Masters Degree in International Relations from the School of Politics at The University of Nottingham in England.


They barely gave Paul any time on the Washington Post debate.