PC or Sensitive?


molṑn labé
Staff member
Considering it's halloween, I'd say let it pass. Or have a black fraternity put on white face & go as the Bay City Rollers. :shrug:

UT frat suspended over incident

By J.J. Stambaugh, News-Sentinel staff writr
October 31, 2002[/size]

A University of Tennessee fraternity has been suspended because of an incident last week in which white members painted their faces to look like the black pop group The Jackson Five.

The national office of Kappa Sigma has suspended its UT chapter, which means the fraternity "no longer has standing as a registered student organization and is suspended from participating in university activities, such as Homecoming," according to a statement issued Wednesday by UT Vice President and Provost Loren Crabtree.

Fraternity members couldn't be reached for comment Wednesday, but Crabtree said the national office was cooperating in an ongoing investigation.

A number of black students complained to campus officials last week after a group of fraternity members allegedly walked from their fraternity house to a party on the Cumberland Avenue Strip dressed as the Jackson siblings, according to UT's account.

Even if the national Kappa Sigma organization reinstates the UT Lambda chapter, UT might not choose to recognize the group, according to Crabtree.

"We will require the leaders and members of Kappa Sigma to demonstrate a commitment to uphold our expectations for civility, ethnic diversity and racial harmony," Crabtree said.

Crabtree indicated that individual students involved in the incident might face university sanctions once the investigation is concluded.

Crabtree said the incident was "particularly distressing to the members of the (UT) administration because all fraternities and sororities participated in a workshop a year ago to address a similar situation at another institution."

Crabtree also pointed out measures that UT has taken over the past few months to widen the African and African-American Studies program and a planned semester-long program beginning in January to "celebrate Africa's cultural, entertainment and educational contributions to non-African cultures around the world."

A training program on race and diversity will begin next spring, and a special session covering the same topics will be added to the summer orientation program for new students, Crabtree said.
I can't really tell from this article just what these fratboys are being accused of. Certainly dressing up as the Jackson five isn't(or shouldn't be) itself worthy of disciplinary action, but just which direction these boys carried their fun is not clear. I can imagine any number of different scenerios both in good and bad taste.
:grumpy: :grumpy: :mad2: :mad2: :grumpy: :grumpy:
too many people in this country are in desperate need of an enema.
Not enough information. Going by what was stated, I wouldn't see a problem. But seeing as its in Tennesee, on a college campus, a bunch of frat brothers, and at a party, I can only image what else was done, and what might have been left out of this article. We can probably be sure they were drunk, and we can probably be sure they "had some fun" in costume, so who really knows. I remember how I spent my Halloweens, and St. Patties days on campus! Can't you guysl? It wouldn't surprise me if they did something really "out of hand" that we aren't reading in this article. Maybe it was all in good fun, I know we always felt that way back in the day. Nevertheless, we always managed pissed someone off. Ok, we usually managed to piss most people off. So I can only imagine how this one might have played out.
PC. tho not enough info unless it was used as a racist statement like Jim Crow, it should be considered PC or as i like to call it BS.
That is the entire article, no editing on my part.

While distasteful & begging a bygone era, I see it as unudulterated PC. Many of our college campuses are so PC that they can no longer se teh humor & lightside of life.

Politically Correct is another name for facism.
Its the whole article, but not the whole story, I'm sure. If this alone is enough to cause such trouble then something IS WRONG. But, knowing frats, college students, and life on campus as i do, I have to believe there is more to this. Trust me :D This is coming from a "professional student" 8 years worth ;)
At a number of parties they though i was an undercover cop. Once they even took my beer back and gave me a "refund." Of course, no body sells alcohol with out a license, or to minors, or as minors, etc etc...

Nah, I did the student think long enough to know there is more to this. There ALWAYS IS. There always was when WE get got in trouble. We never let them know the half of it generally. I mean when we go caught doin something we shouldn't, and people were getting shipped off to jail for the night, it was only for part of what the problem was alleged to be. Nah, they never get the "whole story" even when they think they do ;)