Pelosi Gas Price Fix


Well-Known Member
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is calling on President Bush to release oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in order to bring down prices.

Pelosi (D-Calif.) announced to Democratic leaders Tuesday night that she has written a letter to President Bush, urging him to release a “small” amount of oil from the government stockpile to increase supply and decrease prices, a leadership aide said.

Has the Botox travelled to her brain?


Hey Nancy, maybe there's a way to raise your approval rating......

Amid record gas prices, public support for greater energy exploration is spiking. Compared with just a few months ago, many more Americans are giving higher priority to more energy exploration, rather than more conservation. An increasing proportion also says that developing new sources of energy - rather than protecting the environment - is the more important national priority.
I've gotta say, as much as I dislike Pelosi, she's saying what some other...
IMO very credible economist, are also saying.:shrug:

Gotta stay open-minded to solve problems in the best way.
Until it became public that Botox really does migrate along neurons
from the injection site into the brain, at least in lab rats, there were a couple of lines I would like to do without......

But you're correct. Instead of speculating that her noggin was paralyzed by botulism I should've gone with the opinion that her view of a temporary release from the strategic oil reserve is good but drilling for a long term supply is bad is incredibly stupid judgment.

As a consistent downward trend in approval ratings prove.
her view of a temporary release from the strategic oil reserve is good but drilling for a long term supply is bad is incredibly stupid judgment.

I think a temporary release of some reserves is a reasonable short term solution. I mean if you're saving it for an emergency, look around. OTOH, drilling for a long term supply (depends a bit on your definition of long term, I suppose) has to be considered. Sooner or later somebody will and I'd certainly rather it was us than say, the Chinese or the Russians. As for a truly long term solution, we should continue to develop alternate fuels. Just my 2¢.
I think a temporary release of some reserves is a reasonable short term solution. I mean if you're saving it for an emergency, look around. OTOH, drilling for a long term supply (depends a bit on your definition of long term, I suppose) has to be considered. Sooner or later somebody will and I'd certainly rather it was us than say, the Chinese or the Russians. As for a truly long term solution, we should continue to develop alternate fuels. Just my 2¢.

I think a temporary release of some reserves is a reasonable short term solution. I mean if you're saving it for an emergency, look around. OTOH, drilling for a long term supply (depends a bit on your definition of long term, I suppose) has to be considered. Sooner or later somebody will and I'd certainly rather it was us than say, the Chinese or the Russians. As for a truly long term solution, we should continue to develop alternate fuels. Just my 2¢.

The oil reserves are for use in a contracted war. That was the original ïdea for an emergency. Much like Social Security being a trust fund...
The oil reserves are for use in a contracted war. That was the original ïdea for an emergency. Much like Social Security being a trust fund...

I understand. The situation has changed. Not, you understand, that I expect our "leaders" to recognize the fact until it's too late to make a difference.

Re Social Security, haven't you gotten a feeling over the years that they're using a completely different definition of the word "trust?" ;)
All I know is that Jimmy Carter did the same thing when he was President, and it did practically nothing for gas prices in the short term. :shrug: Guess some folks never learn, or have an extremely short memory. ;)
Clinton did too. It helped for about thirty five seconds.

We need the threat (and follow-through) of additional supply to lower the speculation shadow.
Clinton did too. It helped for about thirty five seconds.

We need the threat (and follow-through) of additional supply to lower the speculation shadow.

Nope. We need to just do it. Environmentalists-be-damned. Those are the same Prius-driving, selfish, NIMBY morons that think anything which helps out our energy production is a bad idea...even clean sources like hydro-electric meets their scorn because of some fish that nobody ever heard of...