People need to live in the real world!


I posted this over at the ABB bulleting board (ABB = Anybody But Bush) (Sorry Gonz you cannot become a member there they do not accept conservatives and they will ban your ip).


Anyone but Bush Unless it's not Dean then better we vote for Nader and have Bush again instead.

And that is EXACTLY what's going on here for many of you.

OK. I have heard the tired old argument about Nader not costing Gore the election, and I'll admit it holds some water, but the fact is no matter how hard you try and deny it, that Nader is one of the factors that cost Gore the election. To deny it is to lie to me and more importantly to lie to yourself. Gore lost the election for a number of factors, and it does include crossover voters, but take away Nader and or the crosover voters and any way you slice it it equals a Gore victory.

Make no mistake, John Kerry is a political animal who wants to be the most powerful man in the world and I am sure not all his reasons are altruistic. But, the fact is he will do less damage to this nation and this constitution than will four more years of Bush. At very least his Supreme Court nominations could save some of our rights and civil liberties that will be likely taken from us from a Bush appointee..

So I implore you, I even beg you, for my sake, for your sake. for our childrens sake think very carefully before you thow away a vote on Nader. No matter wheter Bush or Kerry prevails, a vote for Nader is an exercise in futility.

The thread is here:

But anyway it just makes me sick how they cannot comprehend how a vote for Nader is a vote for Bush. The hadcore left so hates John Kerry that thjey are willing to let the Nation be ruined by Bush and his supreme court Nominees. The only way the far left will come back into the fold is if Dean or Kucinich is the VP candidate.

So Gonz it ought to be your wet dream, because the liberals are so divided over Kerry when you have such an obviously weak candidate on your side of the isle. The only hope we libs have is for a high voter turnout which will always favor the left (correct :D) side of things.
markjs said:
I posted this over at the ABB bulleting board (ABB = Anybody But Bush) (Sorry Gonz you cannot become a member there they do not accept conservatives and they will ban your ip).

But the real question here is would you guys vote for Nader? Not even sure whether you are Americans but seriously it pisses me off.

BTW Gonz feel free to peruse's forums, you'll probably enjoy watching us liberals divide and slug it out. Just don't post a point of view unless it's left leaning or they will ban you.
I don't wanna live in the real world!

It's grey, monotonous and sometimes it smells funny :grumpy:
BeardofPants said:
It's the pizza. Gets me gut every time. :blush: ;)


Cheese......tis always the cheese :mope: ;)

Who had vintage chedder for tea....and can deff feel it "maturing"
If I could delete this thread I was obviously a waste of time to post it. BTW it might be salvaged if any of you were even passing funny but you're not. Please forget this thread and let it slip into obscurity.
Let's see. I already voted for Nader. He lost.

I wish the (D) party would have the ballls to nominate who they really resemble: Howard Dean. Let the American people decide finally (and ultimately) -Liberal or conservative.

Dubya is not a great conservative...well wait. I many be incorrect. Everything they said about Reagan they are saying about George W Bush, hmmmmmmmm.
I just can't resist this one. Dubya is far to the right of Reagan. And furthermore as a card carrying liberal I respected Reagan, I have no such respect for shrubbie.
markjs said:
. . . .(Sorry Gonz you cannot become a member there they do not accept conservatives and they will ban your ip).


. . . . Just don't post a point of view unless it's left leaning or they will ban you.

I've noticed most of the open-minded, progressive, message boards controlled by the tolerant people of the left are just like that.

They don't care much for honest debate. They revell in; who can make the funniest Nazi reference or extend the current conspiracy theory further. Lets not forget the wonderful technique of name calling when they get cornered by the facts either.

Gotta love reading at those places. . .

Heres a pretty funny one where the guy got himself fired, from NPR no less. He was spewing his hatred and planning on being subversive by playing celebratory music for the passing of President Ronald Reagan during the national day of mourning.

The funniest part of it is that they're trying to blame the 'Freeper's for his actions and the consequences he has thus reaped.

surprised leftist said:
He just asked me if I had been posting messages on Democratic Underground's message boards. I said yes, he said "Turn in your keys. You're done." End of story.



DU, ABB, JohnF', the guerilla's - - These are the boards of enlightenment and tolerance. No holds barred, full on frag-fest. No reference is too disgusting or conspiracy too far-fetched.

All they really demand of their fellow posters is to be a tolerant, free-thinking individual, and have an opinion just like theirs. None other will allowed because it might be too much for a fragile belief system.

You're right, people need to live in the real world.
Liberals have lost touch with the real world!

What hard reasons do you have for not wanting
the best President since Reagan to continue
in the White House?
Now I know this is going to be impossible for you but
I'm asking for 'real world' reasons.

Silly Liberal gibberish isn't valid in this discussion.
It's simply because there is no use in trying to debate jack booted goose stepping neo conservatives like you :D. The average conservative (mind you I hold most of the conservatives on this board in much higher regard than most that I meet), has arguments that all too often degenerate into "shut up you pinko faggot!. There is no shortage of conservatives that have a shortage of brains. But there are certainly conservative forums that do not welcome liberals. I do not know of any, because I have no interest in conservative debate and stratagy.

But my overall point is there is a time and a place for debate and there are places where only like minds meet. Believe me there is plenty of debate amongst the liberals on that board, but what point would their be to welcoming conservatives? It'd just be a big fight and nobody's opinion would change. Why on earth would conservative be interested in such a place anyway?

The point of this thread was my disgust about liberals voting for Nader. It wasn't aimed at the conservatives of this board, and I don't understand why it's worth fussing with at all to you.
Re: Liberals have lost touch with the real world!

Winky said:
What hard reasons do you have for not wanting
the best President since Reagan to continue
in the White House?
Now I know this is going to be impossible for you but
I'm asking for 'real world' reasons.

Silly Liberal gibberish isn't valid in this discussion.

Why should I bother? Anything I say will be "silly liberal gibberish" to you anyway. Just like everything you just said is vile disgusing conservative spew.

The only difference is I am right and you are wrong :D.
Liberals have lost touch with the real world!

Thanks that about sums up the position
taken by you and your Mommy, does it not?
Re: Liberals have lost touch with the real world!

Winky said:
Thanks that about sums up the position
taken by you and your Mommy, does it not?

I really shouldn't dignify this with an answer, but I will.

You have your stance and it won't change. I have my stance and it won't change. Is there any point in arguing? I think not.

If you are so determined to hear my resons for not supporting shrub, the burden is on you to supply me with the reasons you support him first.

Your reference to my "mommy", who happens to be a very educated woman and who's beliefs are to the right of mine, shows me that you'd like to make this a little personal, and see if you can bait me into a personal attack. I won't give you the pleasure.
Liberals have lost touch with the real world!

Alrighty young man,
I will try to take this slow so you don't become any more lost than you already are...

(please have Mommy correct the grammar in the foregoing sentence)

<You have your stance and it won't change. I have my stance and it won't change. Is there any point in arguing? I think not.>

This is true many people go through their entire lives and don't grow, don't become more than they were in their early twenties. Ronald Wilson Reagan started out as a Democrat.

<If you are so determined to hear my resons [spellcheck] for not supporting *the* shrub, the burden is on you to supply me with the reasons you support him first.>

No my young friend this is your thread and my request was for you to debate me with 'hard reasons'
why (not shrub but the proper way to refer to our President is) “the President” should not be re-elected.
Referring to me as a 'jack booted goose stepping neo conservative' is not a good reason why our current President (Mommy can tell you that you capitalize President) should not be retained in office.

<...see if you can bait me into a personal attack. I won't give you the pleasure.>

Believe me, pleasure is the last thing I experience when chatting with liberals.
markjs said:
If you are so determined to hear my resons for not supporting shrub, the burden is on you to supply me with the reasons you support him first.

I would love to hear the reasons you so far have not revealed.

Could it be, ohhhh say, oil war?

Or the preemetive invasion?

The unilateral action has been tossed out there too!

hmmmmmm, Maybe, errrr, ahhhh, Bush lied?

How about the economy is in ruin?

It can't be quagmire could it?

Props-0-ganda, all of it.

Lets look into the real world.

Oil war - Gee, it sure has kept the gas prices down. Every cent of money from the production of oil goes to the free and sovereign nation of Iraq. (the oil for fraud program didn't 'werk like that) Cheney will make not one penny more than the terms of his employment when he quit the private sector.

Preemptive - attacking our assets enforcing the no-fly zones against the terms agreed to in '91. 14 UN resolutions including 1441, the empty threat. Not to mention it's a matter of U.S. law signed by Bill Clinton.

Unilateral - actually this is the largest coalition ever assembled, even larger than the allied nations of WW2. The liberals would never want for you to know that little truth. the UN had it's chance to enforce their own resolutions, they chose to take in the hoop as they always do.

Bush lied - but Clinton, Kerry, and the rest of the world were just misinformed for many years leading right into the war. (I can make the case for this, but I think you already refused to look at it)

The economy is in ruin - The economy was headed for a disaster because of the .com boom (no hard assets to speak of). The economy is doing great, phenomenal growth everywhere and everyone see's a bright and stong economic future.

Quagmire - looks to me we have an exit plan, what the Iraqi's do with it is on them. The objective of U.S. federal law has been achieved. (the seeds of democracy will have been planted as well).

I think that covers most of it.

What else you got?