Personal Satisfaction....


New Member
Is there a point in a persons life, where they ACTAULLY reach and get personal satisfaction in "ALL" aspects of their life?

Meaning, you think you have/had something down and you conquer that goal OR recognition to a feeling of a job well done, and then, BOOM, there IS ALWAYS something else.(Yes, life throws curve balls - I KNOW) But Im talking more of a whole picture from the most largest obsticle to the most minute thing you could possible imagine.

What even is personal satisfaction? ("NO" dictionary meanings, personal meanings - in your own words -PLEASE!!!)

My mind wants to know?
of course there will always be goals...what would be the point of life if there wasn't?
personal satisfaction? that's very subjective but to me it would mean the ability to express myself in as many ways as possible and to be a good mother, friend, and lover.
I believe personal satisfaction is the feeling of knowing that you are trying yout very best in everything that you do and that you are aiming to reach your goals. I believe one would not have personal satisfaction if they give up on themselves or don't strive toward their goals.
Mare said:
Is there a point in a persons life, where they ACTAULLY reach and get personal satisfaction in "ALL" aspects of their life?


Meaning, you think you have/had something down and you conquer that goal OR recognition to a feeling of a job well done, and then, BOOM, there IS ALWAYS something else.(Yes, life throws curve balls - I KNOW) But Im talking more of a whole picture from the most largest obsticle to the most minute thing you could possible imagine.

hahahahahahaha...*wipes tear*.....NO, no one ever reaches that plateau because it is non-existent just like an Utopia. I believe it is the reason we get up in the know because if we were content in all aspects of life then there is no reason to go on. Your whole life would be a lazy sunday afternoon.

What even is personal satisfaction? ("NO" dictionary meanings, personal meanings - in your own words -PLEASE!!!)

Personal statisfaction is content under the acceptance of one's faults and limitations only after that individual has realized that they are and forever will be not the best at anything but also not the worst. That their mortality is very real and that life's events will not always be positive but yet they realize that at the same time they not only vow to improve themselves but they actually do it. Whatever tommorrow brings they will be there to face the events undeterred from their perspective.

To look in the mirror at the end of the day and smile back at who looks at you.

Personal satisfaction is a realization that happiness comes from the emotional inner health...not from other people or relationships. You are your own sphere of influence and your own reactor of positive and negative thoughts. Once such wisdom is gained then personal satisfication is obtained through positive acts stemming from this attitude.
I don't know, I feel like I've been content a time or two. Then something else came up. :lol:
contentment sucks....because it never lasts...
you're never for sure that you're content. when you think of all the "if's, ands or buts" ,you find out that you're not...its like being kicked in the nuts with a steel toed boot...
