

New Member
What do you all think about them? I think their a CROCK....Meet some real weirdo's that way, but who knows you might meet the love of your life also, whatever floats your boat guess!

If you were to take a personal out, What would yours say????

hazel eyes
looking for S/W/M with great personality---ETC......
Starya said:
What does S and W stand for?
single and white.
here's mine:
DWF seeks unattached M with good personality, brains, and humor. must be sexually insatiable and like star trek.
Starya said:
What does S and W stand for?


Can see you don't know much about personal adds-NOT that I do-kinda like a funnies comic page for me to browse them every so often..... :lol2:
tonksy said:
single and white.
here's mine:
DWF seeks unattached M with good personality, brains, and humor. must be sexually insatiable and like star trek.

Ok Tonksy did it , so here goes my try :D

S/W/F 36
seeks Male (36-50) for companionship, possible relationship.....Must have Love of children....Hobbies include going to the Beach and watching the sunset, camping, canoeing, day trips. Pretty much anything outdoors!

Watcha think???? :confused: (BTW-"NO" I'm not trying to take an add out...Love will find me someday! I'm in NO HURRY! :winkkiss: )
Mare said:
If you were to take a personal out, What would yours say????

hazel eyes
looking for S/W/M with great personality---ETC......

If I were honest...

M/W/M, 30s, not too much to look at, pleasantly fluffy, smoker, current non-drinker, fussy and at times overbearing, sports addict, music fanatic and not very tolerent of any music I don't like so don't start with me, Oprah and Dr. Phil hater, thinks all reality TV shows are a sign of the Apocolypse or at least the stupidest idea ever dreamed up, not really looking, would get caught anyway in this little town where everybody knows everybody, so I just keep the one I got 'cuz she's pretty terrific anyway TYVM.

If I were less than honest...

Unattached W/M, 32, hung like a horse, multi-talented, astoundingly good looking, former male model and lifeguard, able to lick my own eyebrows, former bronc buster able to hang on no matter how hard you buck, independently wealthy, loves cats (the more the better), unselfish, wants only to fulfill your every desire. Let me make you so happy you could just shit. Call me or my personal assistant on the Rolls Royce's car phone, you won't regret it.

See, that's why I never used these damn things in the first place. :nerd:
I've actually done this shit..but I'll play along

Bacardi Babe 24, 5'3", medium length dk/blond hair, hazel eyes, attractive, curvacious, (36-28-40) energetic, funny (in both senses!) Into nights in and out, literature, film, cookery, salsa and gardening. Maybe you're my kindred "spirit?".

Get the play on words there... Bacardi... spirit? No... neither did most people! :mope:
DWM, 23, seeks SF 18-29 for help watching movies and playing practical jokes on unsuspecting schoolchildren. Non-smokers preferred.
Nixy said:
oh, btw, the S is for single so you don't need it :p

I was somewhere in the middle of the snowed over cornfields when it hit me that I put an "S" there. :lol:
I knew a guy in my ambulance corps who put in a personal ad. The bolded title at the top said "BUFF" which was his nickname. You would think that meant he was built, had a good body right? No. Actually, it was EMS lingo for someone who "buffed" calls... they heard them on their police scanner and would jump in their car and haul ass to the call site, most of the time arriving before the ambulance did.

He was a tall, geeky looking, rail thin guy. And he could not figure out why the women he met from the ad were dissapointed with his looks. He wasn't that bright either, apparently. :D