Pet Peeves ...


Well-Known Member
I have this thing ... this pet peeve ... and it's driving me nuts on a daily basis ...

I have all new professors (new to me) this semester ... and none of them erase the chalkboard completely ... they erase only bits and pieces and try to squish what they want to write in that space ... it wouldn't be so bad except they don't even erase whole words ...

I know I'm anal ... but that's just very no .. very very no ...
nalani said:
I have this thing ... this pet peeve ... and it's driving me nuts on a daily basis ...

I have all new professors (new to me) this semester ... and none of them erase the chalkboard completely ... they erase only bits and pieces and try to squish what they want to write in that space ... it wouldn't be so bad except they don't even erase whole words ...

I know I'm anal ... but that's just very no .. very very no ...

:headbang: :headbang: And here I was thinking I was the only weirdo who wants to chew bricks if they don't erase it completely so that not a spec of white remains. :headbang: :headbang:
I had one prof that did that too, it is annoying. Very annoying.
I don't think it'd bug me so much if I had one or ever two profs who do that .. but all 4 do that ... it's all I can do to stop myself from standing up and erasing the board for them :D
I hate it when they leave one tiny bit and it's like, 'argh! Get that bit there! You missed that bit!'
nalani said:
I don't think it'd bug me so much if I had one or ever two profs who do that .. but all 4 do that ... it's all I can do to stop myself from standing up and erasing the board for them :D

Maybe its against their religion ;)