Out-freaking-standing OTC member
PETA: Kosher Slaughterhouse Abusing Animals
DES MOINES, Iowa — An animal rights group has captured videotape that it says shows cattle at a kosher slaughterhouse enduring an "absolutely outrageous" level of cruelty.
PETA (search) claims the video, posted on its Web site Tuesday afternoon, shows repeated acts of animal cruelty at AgriProcessors Inc. (search) in northeastern Iowa. The organization filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (search) on Monday that alleged improper slaughtering practices.
"They're ripping the tracheas and esophagi out of fully conscious animals, dumping them out of pens into pools of their own blood. The animals stand and bellow and attempt to escape for up to three and even four minutes in some cases," Bruce Friedrich, a spokesman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said late Tuesday.
But Rabbi Chaim Kohn, the plant's supervising rabbi, told The New York Times in Wednesday's editions that the tapes were "testimony that this is being done right." In kosher slaughter, the animals' throats are sliced with a razor-sharp blade, intended to cause instant and painless death. Jewish law forbids stunning them first.
Once again, they try to force their agenda on somebody else...
I'm sure they realize that, in the wild, death can take much longer...It's not always like you see on the nature shows...