
molṑn labé
Staff member
So they have a constitutionally guaranteed right to make fools of themslves. I can dig that. On the other hand, do they have the right to interfere with schoolchidren?

That's what happened today at one of the local elementary schools. PETA decided to demonstrate the evils of chicken nugget day by showing the kids what happens at the meat packing plant. They even went so far as to have some moron dress in a chicken suit (I kept hoping for some little one to run up & bite his drumstick).

Demonstrating, marching & yelling for your politics is dumb. Doing it in front of a school should give license to kill.

kids should NEVER be told the unsugarcoated truth :disgust: "yes, sweetie, the chickens loooooooooove being turned into nuggets!"

Gonz said:
Demonstrating, marching & yelling for your politics is dumb. Doing it in front of a school should give license to kill.

I used to live with a bunch of hippie activists. Let me tell you, they are dumbasses.

PETA, that stands for Please Eat The Animals, right?
rrfield said:
I used to live with a bunch of hippie activists. Let me tell you, they are dumbasses.

PETA, that stands for Please Eat The Animals, right?

People Eating Tasty Animals :D
Leslie said:
kids should NEVER be told the unsugarcoated truth :disgust: "yes, sweetie, the chickens loooooooooove being turned into nuggets!"


Yep...Almost as much as lettuce looooves being turned into salad... :lol2:
Gonz said:
So they have a constitutionally guaranteed right to make fools of themslves. I can dig that. On the other hand, do they have the right to interfere with schoolchidren?

That's what happened today at one of the local elementary schools. PETA decided to demonstrate the evils of chicken nugget day by showing the kids what happens at the meat packing plant. They even went so far as to have some moron dress in a chicken suit (I kept hoping for some little one to run up & bite his drumstick).

Demonstrating, marching & yelling for your politics is dumb. Doing it in front of a school should give license to kill.


Yes they can express their beliefs. No they cannot interfere with children if it is during school hours.While I like the idea behind what they are doing, this can scar kids seeing this crap. Sorry but once again good idea gone wrong. Not the right way to do it.

:rofl: @ Gato and Chcr
If God didn't mean for us to eat animals, why did He make them out of meat?

PETA is proof that people need more guns.
I love meat so much, I'm thinking of starting up my own meat market. I'll call it Aaron's Meat Market. My slogan? You can't beat Aaron's meat. :D
I feel like chicken tonight, chicken tonight....for some reason just can't get that song out of my head.. :lol2:
For example, on the new menu to be launched at the end of this month, a “Caesar salad with Chicken Premiere” contains 18.4 grams of fat compared with 11.5 grams of fat in a standard cheeseburger.
last time I looked Chicken and Anchovies weren't quite in the vegetarian diet :p