pets and ticks


Well-Known Member
anyone know of any good products to keep ticks off the animal?
there seems to be more than usual this year. every day i'm plucking another one off the dog. tried the Hartz stuff that you apply once a month. seems to be working somewhat. havent found any on his body, but i'm finding them all over his head.
I remember something about feeding the critter something with garlic, sulphur, or some other substance that would build up in its system so that they start to exude the natural repellant properties against the little parasites of the world. Results are over time instead of instant gratification.
I use something called Frontline. You have to remember to treat their bedding etc as well, to get rid of the eggs and larvae.
AlphaTroll said:
I use something called Frontline. You have to remember to treat their bedding etc as well, to get rid of the eggs and larvae.

I use Frontline as well (the Hartz crap is crap). It works quite well. I get more ticks on me cutting the grass than the pups usually do. It's tick city around here.
I don't like the Hartz either. Sergeants is slightly better, but not like the frontline.
Get the drops that go down the back.
Frontline, I think you have to get it from your vet, but it's worth it. Ticks, Fleas, it keeps all them little bugs away from them.
No, that we use Heartgaurd. Also get that from the vet. The Frontline is a once a month thing, but we only use it during the summer, the Heartguard is once a year.
Frontline is great, just make sure to not touch it, otherwise you'll be the tick safe one ;)
Our vet sold us some drops that go down the back, but our dog is very very large and her belly still got lots of ticks. They also have bathing products, but I dunno if they work or not and how easy it would be or not be to bathe your dog.
thanks. i'll get some of the frontline stuff.

the dog is usually pretty good about getting a bath. tough to get him to sit still though. likes to play with the hose water.
go outside and squat to pee. they'll stick to your ass instead of the dog.

We don't get those big red suckers like the ones in the south. My dumbass cousin decided to take her dog with us to Arkansas a few years ago to visit my granddaddy. She didn't give the dog any thing to try and prevent ticks nor did she try to get the ones on the dog off. The car that they drove was my car which was offered to them by my mom (which to this day pisses me off to think about). I didn't have my license yet as I was grounded for one thing or another when we returned home so the ticks that were on the dog were now trapped in a hot car that sat in the driveway for a few weeks. My aunt and cousin said that they cleaned out the car really well when we returned so we thought nothing of it. One day my mom wanted to take me for a driving lesson as she didn't know that I had already had quite a few she didn't know about. Half way down a rather busy road, ticks began climbing out of my clutch and all over the car. It was like a horror flick or something. Yuck. The ticks got into the backyard and onto our dog who suffered from ticks for about 5 years. I am not sure how those ticks survived all those winters in our backyard, but at least they are gone.
Spot said:
thanks. i'll get some of the frontline stuff.

the dog is usually pretty good about getting a bath. tough to get him to sit still though. likes to play with the hose water.

Don't put the Frontline on him until the day after the bath, his skin may be a little irritated after being bathed and sensitive from the tick bites so putting a chemical solution on it will just burn him. Besides if he's anything like my dog he'll end up rubbing all the product off on the grass or licking it off. (Of course I am going on my dog's reactions here, not sure if all of them are like that).

If it's a first treatment I find the drops work best for the dog and I spray his kennel with the treatment as well (you can buy a bottle with a spray nozzle, which should last you a good few months since you only need to treat once a month).
Spot said:
thanks. i'll get some of the frontline stuff.

You have to be very careful with the frontline-it's the drops on the back of the neck correct??? I know some cats were dying from a certain kind-make sure you mention that to your Vet., i don't know how big your dog is, but certain kinds can harm the animal. Goodluck.
Yes, you must apply it on the back of the neck and only on the back of the neck, that way they can not lick it.