Pics from today


Staff member
OK, I promised pics of me and my man awhile ago so here are some from today!

These were taken during the campfire we had at my aunt's cottage whole family spent the day there...was Chris' first family get together with my family :D

There is a pic of Chris, then one of me, then two of us together :D
A.B.Normal said:
Woohoo pics :headbang: ,thanks .

ummm was it perchance sunny or was the campfire just really big :shrug:

My flash is very very powerful...looking at the screen before taking the pic you see nothing but blackness and then when you click the flash goes off and the pics come out like that :D

My cousins say when my flash goes off it's "like lightning"
but if you mean the red tint we have...that is from being in the sun all day...we're both very very sore right now...shoulders and back mostly..a bit on my legs cause I was sitting around in a bathing suit