Picture Editor


Staff member
AB is always suggesting to Mare and others that they should use "_______" to edit their picture sizes and what not.

Tonksy said she can't edit pics as she hasn't PS, and a lightbulb halfway turned on. It's still kinda dim, as I had that software for eons and loved it, and now I've just remembered it's existence, but not it's name.

Red splotch is the icon.

Anyone? Anyone?
oooooooooooooh! Irfanview. YES! Thank you!! :jump:

I will go look at Lviewer too.
I'm a lazy slob and pass the buck to Rob to resize my pics...when it came to Daves he was busy in the kitchen discovering that someone had placed the chicken for tonight's dinner in the freezer instead of the fridge.
Hmm, install another program to do the same thing I can do now? No thanks. :D

Edit: Almost forgot GIMP (Gnu Image Manipulation Program). Does everything Photoshop does at 0% of the price.
Irfanview isn't just a red splotch. It's like a red raccoon, that has tire tracks on it,
like it's been run-over.:D
I use it all the time for viewing, and some resizing.
I'm still using Paintshop Pro 7 for other editing. (I don't like Photoshop)
catocom said:
Irfanview isn't just a red splotch. It's like a red raccoon, that has tire tracks on it,
like it's been run-over.:D
I use it all the time for viewing, and some resizing.
I'm still using Paintshop Pro 7 for other editing. (I don't like Photoshop)
I can't believe you don't use GIMP. It was about the first program I learned on Linux.
chcr said:
I can't believe you don't use GIMP. It was about the first program I learned on Linux.
I have messed with it, and it seemed to do everything I needed, it's just
that most on my customer base is still windows, so I "have to"
stay sharp on it for support. :crap:
catocom said:
I have messed with it, and it seemed to do everything I needed, it's just
that most on my customer base is still windows, so I "have to"
stay sharp on it for support. :crap:
I use GIMP in windows too. It works exactly the same.
Irfanview and Xnview are great resizer/viewers,but aren't great for "editing".GIMP is good ,but has issues with some WINDOWS Computers ,since it was mainly designed for LINUX .PaintShop Pro by JASC is a great and fairly inexpessive (or at least it was with version7)and can do almost everthing that an non-professional can do with Photoshop.-