pictures owed people

tonks said:
firstly - for nixy - my new boots that i scored for $5 a pair.

secondly - for gato - BEDHEAD!!!

Not a bad looking bed-head, if you ask me. :winkkiss: If I was 10 years younger...
bedhead - that's the major problem with short hair...with long hair it just ends up with the "just laid look"
Gato_Solo said:
Not a bad looking bed-head, if you ask me. ...

Too right......most folk look like a Medusa with bad pms :lloyd:

Who has been sporting the bed head look for the last 6 weeks
Oz said:
Too right......most folk look like a Medusa with bad pms :lloyd:

Who has been sporting the bed head look for the last 6 weeks
well...thanks you two (meaning oz and gato)
inky - :hmm:
Yeah! Why can't you be more like your big brother Bob? You need to get a haircut and get a real job! :D
Stop Laughing said:
Bob's my uncle, Larry's my cousin, and Curly's lost in the drywall somewhere. :nuts: At least I'm the hairiest. :D
i'm larry, this is my brother darryl, and this is my other brother darryl.