Play ball


molṑn labé
Staff member
Mr Southern N Proud, you may now rejoice.

Arizona 2
Chi White Sox 0 top 1st

LA Dodgers 2
Atlanta 7 top 8th

That was on my Yahoo watch list. You may not care for the teams but the game is pretending to be in session.
Praise be for it, too.

I'll watch the NCAA basketball tournament, but otherwise baseball is all there is this time of year. Hockey is not an option for me personally. I'd like to see the Predators do well, but past that I could not possibly care less who does what with a puck.
Texas signed Michael Young to a five-year, $80 million extension. I was glad to see it... a classy player with four straight 200-hit seasons. Yes, his home run total was down last year... but 50+ doubles sure does lead to a lot of RBIs and a lot of runs scored.
Home run hitters are, these days, a dime a dozen.

One of the most exciting players I'd seen in years was Brett Butler. From the Braves to the Dodgers in the 80s & early 90s. Small guy (for a pro league player) who didn't hit homers. He was a lead off hitting base stealing bunting his way onto base willing to sacrifice with a happy face team player. Centerfielder who did the work & allowed Strawberry & Davis to become vainglorious ego machines.

If there were only more like him.