please comment

Libertarianism offers its believers a clear conscience to do things society presently restrains

wrong right off the bat.

It doesn't deal with the conscience as a matter of policy at all really.
It leaves it up to the individual to be 'self conscience'.

I look at it this way......
It the government 'forces' you to be 'charitable', then it really isn't 'charity.
The 'choice' has to be made by the individual for it to be real 'charity'.

So libertarianism neither condones nor condemns, so it's up the the individual
as to whether they want to be good or bad.
(depending on ones beliefs, except for a very basic set of principles)
This guy is comparing libertariansism to republicanism, not marxism.

Must been written by a New Yorker (post 1920)
offers its believers

It doesn't deal with the conscience as a matter of policy at all really.

ummm you realize your "answer" directly supports the bolded assertion? no? what happens when you step out of the storybook into the world, where people do stuff?
This guy is comparing libertariansism to republicanism, not marxism.

Must been written by a New Yorker (post 1920)

great. cato is arguing nothing in a circular manner and you're caught up on labels again. i forget, which team did i want to make the loyalty oath to? where do i pick up my skirt and poms?
great. cato is arguing nothing in a circular manner and you're caught up on labels again. i forget, which team did i want to make the loyalty oath to? where do i pick up my skirt and poms?

I can get you a jacket with a big letter sewn on it too. ;)
now, will you deliver the necessary skull-bashing with a cinder block to cut my IQ in half, or do you contract out for that?
My comment

Robert Locke is s dickhead

100% wrong about everything
displays the muddled thinking one might
adopt having attended both Columbia University and University of Chicago

there isn't one thing of value to be found in any of those 21 paragraphs

Next question?
not next question we gotta wait for the boy in the bubble to weight in.

er, based on the responses, the other boy in the bubble.

yeah i just found out that 2112 had something to do with ayn rand. well, i've always thought rush's philosophizing was silly and amateurish. so that makes sense.
That's why he's been at it for over 20 years
and he's gettin' 20 million bucks?

2112 the Rush album?
I was answering to paragraphs until I got far enough into the essay to realize it was shit.

Libertarianism is good domestically but an utter failure diplomatically.
Conservatism (classical liberalism) is a great balance between liberty & society.
Liberalism (up to communism) is a lovely idea, provided we are al bees.