please help with my pm problem


New Member
i have had two private message notifications and neither has shown up. the first one was at the time of the server transfer and i think it fell into the 2 day hole. the other one i was sent today but doesn't appear to be in my pm folder.

i don't get many pm's and want to know who it is so i can reply :(

apologies to whoever sent them for not getting replying but i'm not sure what the questions were
consider yourself lucky - at least your hopes weren't raised only to be dashed on the rocks of despair
*continues patting ris on the head absently, while checking watch, looking around room and yawning*
I appear to have six message, but can only see four of them, I suspect that two of them are sent items, but I can't view them for some reason :confuse2:


I like pm's as well.....;)
I think it counts messages in all folders- Inbox, Sent Items, and Message Tracking
Also Karl, be sure to change the since box, default is the last 30 days, if they are older, they won't show in the list unless you change it.