Please join


New Member
Hello I'm new to this website and a little confused where to go anyway.What I was going to say was would you join (at least say hi first...Gonzo) please we need more members well if you would like to join that would be great.
This is just a personal opinion, of course, and not necessarily that of OTC, but ...

It is extremely distasteful to join a forum and beg others to join your board. Especially a 'proboard', but that's just personal preference again as I'm a vBulletin fan. *shrugs*

Either way, I'd hope you joined OTC to participate at OTC and not just to spam your solicitations. If so, welcome.

If not, take the patheticness elsewhere.
Jeez aren't we friendly! I think Rose said what needed to be said quite effectively.

I hope people join your little board, but as she said this isn't the place to recruit members at least until you are a little bit established here.

Please feel welcome to stick around OTC though, not all of us are as mean as some.