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molṑn labé
Staff member
LONDON (Reuters) - Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Barham Salih warned against defeatism and panic on Monday as his U.S. and British allies came under growing pressure to change their Iraq strategy in the face of relentless bloodshed.

Salih, in London for talks with British Prime Minister Tony Blair and other British ministers, made clear his anxiety about the change in tone in London and Washington, where senior figures are questioning whether the current strategy in Iraq is viable.

"I'm obviously concerned about the debate both in the U.S. and Europe, I have to say, because there is too much of a pessimistic tone to this debate -- even I would say in certain circles a defeatist tone," he told BBC radio.

"We need to be realist but not defeatist. We need to understand that there is a need of utmost urgency to deal with many of the problems of Iraq but we must not give in to panic."


So, Iraq doesn't want us to cut n run from Iraq?
well then they would have a harder time blaming us for their inability to do... well, much of anything...
What's wrong with their plan?

"Okay, dude, let's like take some Shiites & some Sunnis and like put 'em with, *toke*, check this out, with some Kurds & make it one country. Oh man, this will be soooooo coooooolllll. Peace in our lifetime man."
True for the most part... but that was strictly arbitrary territory divisional spoils of the post WWI tired and imploded Ottman Empire. I dare say it wouldn't have been any better to leave it intact. God knows noone knew that they had all that oil or that we would love it so. We all thought they would remain divided and obscure.