Please welcome ...mac mini


Well-Known Member

Mac mini
I can't believe how cheap this one is... Might lookin into buying one for my parents. instead of wrestling with the windows settings again (kept falling over with some virus or other:rolleyes: )
I'm trying to think of a reason I would use one in the near future. I'm going into journalism, sure, but it will be a little while before I finish school. But having it available at a $500 price point is making me actually think about getting one to make it easier to bring home my work. It would complement my self-built Windows PC.

I'm glad to see I can use a scroll wheel mouse with it.
my homegirl shannon has always been a mac loyalist. she uses pc's too, but her preference has always been macs.
i had a thing against macs. the ones we had in school were crap. i had difficulty with them always. my general, sheltered opinion was "macs suck".
but... last night actually... i was at her house, and she was on the mac website, showing me the very product this thread was made for, and i went, "hmm...".
i then began to ask questions. i had many of them, but shannon answered much by showing me on her mac. she has a g3 and gave me a tutorial of that.
i was amazed by a lot of it. i found myself uttering words i thought i'd never speak,
"i want a mac".
i still feel dirty saying that. i always had a thing against them!
but i need a new computer, like, mine's from 1999 and i'm finally noticing how into obsoletion it's getting. so....

*cries* i want a mac.
Inkara1 said:
I'm glad to see I can use a scroll wheel mouse with it.

Inky, you seem to have a hang-up about macs not being able to use a scroll wheel mouse :p

I've been using a scroll wheel mouse with my mac for YEARS :lloyd: