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“I know it wasn’t rape-rape. It was something else but I don’t believe it was rape-rape. He went to jail and and when they let him out he was like ‘You know what, this guy’s going to give me a hundred years in jail I’m not staying,’ so that’s why he left.”

He was a 44 year old pedophile, she was 13 child. He gave her alcohol, drugged her, then raped her. He skipped town to avoid prison, and he still owes for his crime.

Polanski The Pervert: Grand Jury Testimony of the Victim
See this is just one more incidence of Cerise only very loosely even knowing what she is talking about. The man is NOT a pedophile and what he did is not pedophilia! Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children . This girl was pubescent, so the actual term is hebephilia.

Right or wrong, whether it is a big deal or not, the least people could do is get their facts straight!

Oh wait, I forgot who I was dealing with!
sometimes wrath is just leaving the person to their own demise.
It just doesn't have to be here, around me or mine.

The girl, now a woman, Took a settlement.
Doesn't make it right, but makes it acceptable for her.
SHE wants it dropped.
I personally am dropping it.
The girl, now a woman, Took a settlement.
Doesn't make it right, but makes it acceptable for her.
SHE wants it dropped.
I personally am dropping it.

I agree. What he did wasn't okay by any stretch of the imagination but at this point it's punishing the victim as well as the criminal and that doesn't seem okay either. :shrug:
Doesn't make it right, but makes it acceptable for her.
SHE wants it dropped.
I personally am dropping it.

But ultimately the crime he committed was against the law. The law wants justice, if she doesn't. It was out of her hands a long time ago.
This story is low on my priority meter.

Did Polanski serve post-conviction jail time or did the judge not accept the plea deal?

If it's the former, and the judge changed the terms, then Polanski is being railroaded. If it's the latter, then put him in prison for life. He raped a child (she was 13, he was OLD & knew better).
But ultimately the crime he committed was against the law. The law wants justice, if she doesn't. It was out of her hands a long time ago.

If there is a demand and the law so applies, so be it.
Apply still applicable law.

I just said how I'd judge it.
Mr Polanski fled the US in 1978 before he was sentenced on a charge of unlawful sexual intercourse with a 13-year-old girl.

He has never returned and even missed receiving an Oscar for his 2003 film The Pianist.

In other words...he was convicted, but never served.


If he had a problem with the sentencing because of a change in his plea deal, then he has a right to appeal. Not flee to avoid.
So, as it turns out then, he's not wanted to face rape/sexwithaminor charges, he's wanted for flight to avoid prosecution. Even better.

It's not rape/rape Mr Polanski, ir's anal fucking by Bubba.
simply?, oh come on, there's many constructive ways.
There's been many ways explored on this board....
[jim carry]Go ahead...snoop arouuund [] :D
Show me a heterosexual man who looks at a ripe, fully developed 14 year old girl, who doesn't think or will not admit to thinking about it (mind you not do it and wouldn't actually do it), and I'll show you a liar, and most likely the kind of man who will go there!

We live in such a stupid ass backwards repressed society. Regardless though, a sexually mature but under age girl is going to be attractive to older men, period and point blank! The difference with those of us who can admit it, is that most of us also know the consequences, legal included yet least among them, but mostly the fact that this girl is not old enough to make adult decisions in such areas. Most of us would never "go there".

It's those guys who tell others, or worse yet tell themselves, that there is no attraction and they are not in the least bit interested, if only in fantasy, that are a danger. Those are generally the men who will act on such impulses.

Even so, a man who sleeps with an underage, but sexually mature and willing female, has done wrong, but it in no way rises to the same kind of level as rape or pedophilia. These men are often weak and have poor impulse control. The men who go after young children and rape women are predators. Quite a difference!
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