Police exam, only white males passed...


100% Pure Canadian Beef
...city says we'll void it.

Police union says no way.

Is this racism?link

Two Chesapeake police organizations on Wednesday threatened to sue the city if it voids recent test results that would propel 30 men - none of them black - toward the ranks of sergeant and lieutenant.

Those men were the top scorers among 144 officers who took exams earlier this month to qualify for the promotions. The city became concerned because the group had so little gender and ethnic diversity, and because some of those taking the lieutenant test were given extra time to complete it. On Tuesday, the city opted to hire a consultant to review the process.

Michael Imprevento, an attorney for Chesapeake's Fraternal Order of Police and the Coalition of Police, called any interruption in the process unlawful.
Missing information. Were any of the participants non white males to begin with? How many white males didn't pass? Extra time? Doesn't say that any of those given extra time were the ones passing, does it?

just another example of the media dictating the news.
Missing information. Were any of the participants non white males to begin with? How many white males didn't pass? Extra time? Doesn't say that any of those given extra time were the ones passing, does it?

just another example of the media dictating the news.

did yah read the entire article?

Thirty-six police officers took the exam for lieutenant earlier this month; none of the nine women and blacks who tested was among the top tier.

Of the 108 who took the test for sergeant, none of the 23 blacks and women scored high enough to move forward.
Obviously I didn't. I very seldom click links. I rely that the OP will provide enough information to be useful.
So, of 142 people taking the test, only 32 were not white males. And ony 30 of the 142 were selected. So that means that 80 white males also didn't make the grade.

Oh, yeah, totally fucking biased.
PC, or affirmative action, not necessarily racist tho. The city wants to put more 'minorities' up front as a political move. That's been disavowed as 'racist' ...
There were also concerns about a 20-minute extension given to some of those taking the test for lieutenant, the city said.

And some sergeant applicants said they were given the wrong resource materials for study.

It doesn't say who got the extension or possibly the wrong study materials. Seems pertinent.
It doesn't say who got the extension or possibly the wrong study materials. Seems pertinent.

Pertinent, perhaps. Relevant to the issue ... I doubt it. After all, if you`re studying for a math test and someone gives you shakespeare to study and you don't realize you're studying the wrong stuff, it's not too likely you'd have passed in any case.
Maybe or maybe not. If you're study for a math test on chapters 4-6 and someone gives you chapters 1-3 you may not notice.
Maybe or maybe not. If you're study for a math test on chapters 4-6 and someone gives you chapters 1-3 you may not notice.

Did you read the link?
The city initially voided the test results. City Manager William Harrell said the decision was made to hire a consultant after it was determined that no incorrect materials were handed out after the official resource lists were published July 1.
Yep, that's where I got the stuff I quoted.

Sounds like incorrect material were handed out before July 1st.
How could the material be incorrect if the resource list wasn`t finalized yet? Sounds more like sour grapes from someone who couldn't be bothered to keep himself up to date. Not really a personal habit I want to see in a senior law enforcement officer in the first place.
You might have a point there.

On another note it's pretty impressive how relevant these site ads at the bottom of threads are sometimes.

um, it is incredibly statistically unlikely that none of the blacks or wimmins would be within the pool of winners on the test. incredibly unlikely. but WTF, let's all go out and buy lotto tickets!
Well back in the day they used litercy tests on blacks,but not whites they are imposible to pass. a professer at harvard who was white took one look at one and said he cannot pass this test.http://kpearson.project.tcnj.edu/interactive/imm_files/test.html

Psst. Its called context. If you live in the past, you will never move forward. Using this whole thing as an example of racism is a travesty. If you want to get ahead, then get off your ass and study. Its as simple as that. Everybody got the same study materials and the same test. You didn't pass, its your fault.
Using this whole thing as an example of racism is a travesty. If you want to get ahead, then get off your ass and study. Its as simple as that. Everybody got the same study materials and the same test. You didn't pass, its your fault.

amen to that.

not having seen the test, i dont feel capable of passing judgement on its validitey. i would be willing to bet that no one else here has seen it either.

but please, dont let a little thing like ignorance prevent you from making sweeping judgements on something you have never seen. if a non white or a female does less than average on any task it must be racist ans sexist. instead of climbing up to the task we prefer to dumb down the standards until the task itself looses its original meaning, but at least we have diverse workforce. thats the main thing.

women will always do certain things better than i could. i'm ok wiht that fact. i personally do not believe that race makes one bit of difference in ability, but i guess others dont agree. who's the racist then? probably the white guy.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Every choice you make in life will dictate how your life will turn out. The people who do really well have done one, or two, things.

1. Been born rich.
2. Made responsible choices.

I'm sure somebody will start a debate on what is responsible or not, and who is to judge, but we'll then know who is responsible or not, won't we? ;)