Political Science


New Member
It's the bane of my existence, and I'm pretty sure I just failed the first test. Anyone have any spectacular opinions about Poli Sci? How did you survive it?
oh you poor thing. :(

Never took it. I guess I would treat it like history class? Memorize as much as you can and always opine with the teacher's leanings for A+++ marks.
Leslie said:
oh you poor thing. :(

Never took it. I guess I would treat it like history class? Memorize as much as you can and always opine with the teacher's leanings for A+++ marks.

That worked for me last semester-got an A

A lot of it depends on the teacher, and their style. My class was relatively easy, I thought...25% of our grade was a research paper, also.
My major was International Affairs... which is defacto hardcore poli sci. I took a dozen courses and couldn't get enough. I wrote more papers about Korea, Germany, ecconomic interdependence, social anthropology... than I care to remember. It was the only thing I truly enjoyed outside of history.
I fooled 'em. Took enough credits for a minor.

DON'T SKIMP THE RESEARCH! And read the living shit out of The Economist. Every week, while you're taking the class. Your school library will have it.