potty time


New Member
well, the baby girl has started down that path of potty training :D she's still in diapers, but occasionally, she'll go into the bathroom and do her business on the toilet :headbang:
tonks said:
how old is she?

She's only 18 months ... that's why we don't really force her to. If she goes into the bathroom and points to the potty on her own, then we stick her on there. Sometimes she just sits there and nothing happens, but we figure she has to get used to sitting there. She's been following us into the bathroom for a couple of months now to see what we're doing, so she's being a little copycat ... and since she's the youngest one at her babysitter's house, she wants to do what all the older kids are doing :D
Ever hear of "Once Upon a Potty"? You either love it or you hate it. Either way it has a really catchy song. Doesn't sound like she needs it though! She'll be in Pull-Ups soon enough. :D
thats great kuu! my 3 year old is stuck....she has been going on the potty and in diapers for ages.....they say it's normal but i wish she'd hurry up and get outta diapers.
greenfreak said:
Ever hear of "Once Upon a Potty"? You either love it or you hate it. Either way it has a really catchy song. Doesn't sound like she needs it though! She'll be in Pull-Ups soon enough. :D
Yes, I'm going to my potty, potty
Now, I'm going to my potty potty
Yeah, I'm goin' to my potty, potty now. :headbang:

I liked it more than my boys did I think though :D
Just got my 3 yr old (poopy) potty trained last month when we moved to FL. Still needs help wiping his butt, BUT its better than socking all that $$$ out for diapers. The pee part wasnt as hard has the poopy time was. Every child developes at their own pace, and I was always told they will when they are ready-But I pushed to, and then one day just said no more diapers and took sippy cups away, and since then he might have wet the bed once. Great Job Matthew (so proud of him).
kuulani said:
*can't believe that I know the words to the damn Spongebob Squarepants theme*

Oh and remembering songs is just the beginning!
Wait till your around a grown-up and say -excuse me have to go potty--hehe
"oops-I mean to the washroom" :lol2:
Mare said:
Oh and remembering songs is just the beginning!
Wait till your around a grown-up and say -excuse me have to go potty--hehe
"oops-I mean to the washroom" :lol2:
(LOL) POTTY TIME .....I still say it and when I say it at work they think I said party time!!!! They have a hard time understanding me ....they say I have the accent like saying didn't I leave the T out so its said didnnn....or sayinnn....I still say that everyone here has the accent.
chatty kathy said:
(LOL) POTTY TIME .....I still say it and when I say it at work they think I said party time!!!! They have a hard time understanding me ....they say I have the accent like saying didn't I leave the T out so its said didnnn....or sayinnn....I still say that everyone here has the accent.

REALATES to ya, gets teased at work for accent... :lol2:
Southerners though, it does sound very different hearing them talk to you and the slang they use. Still cannot get used to it.
Been seeing alot of ppl from England come in work this holiday season, have to spark up a conversation with them, love the way they talk.